GPU Under Clocking


May 5, 2017
My GPU is clocked at ~1000MHz while gaming and I usually overclock it to ~1200MHZ. After playing Rocket League while overclocked, it began to lag which I then checked on Afterburner to see what was the problem. My GPU peaked at ~800MHz and sometimes even went down to ~400MHz making most of my games somewhat unplayable. I really have no idea what happened and would like to know if any of you could help me?
Check your overclocks.
When Nvidia's driver detects an error it will downclock the card. Another error will downclock it more.
The only fix is an OS reboot.
Check your overclocks with OCCT or Furmark with error checking enabled.

The temperature of my card was at around 70-75°C when at 1200MHz and now it is at 55°C max even under a load.