GPU upgrade for a humble dual core E6700!


Feb 17, 2013
Hello everyone,

I have been searching for the last couple of days for an upgrade on my graphics card cause my previous one kinda stopped working properly (Asus 8800 GTS ).GREAT card... kept me 6 years in top shape with all the graphics at their highest and i am really glad for that! Now is the time for a new one though.


Motherboard-- Asus P5B prenium series
CPU-- Intel core 2 duo E6700 @ 2.6 gz
RAM-- 3 Gb 1066 mhz (i think)

My pci slots are PCI-E x16 so i was wondering what is the best budget upgrade for my pc.
I was looking for something like the GT 630 GDDR5 1 gb. Will i see any major differences?

Will my pc get the most out of the DDR5 ones?Also i am a fun of nvidia so any suggestions you make better be a nvidia -_-

Thanks a lot waiting for your input!

Look at this chart,3107-7.html

the rule of thumb is if you jump three levels than it is worth it.

the GT 630 is 3 slots down so I would say no.

Depending on your budet and power supply I would say a 550TI to start at and then up from there. The higher you go up though the more your CPU will bottleneck the card's potential.
8800GTS is about the same as the 9600GT which is about the 6570/6670

I would say start looking from the 7750 or 7700 or 650ti to see any good gains

I know it is rather power hungry and would depend on your power supply setup (and your unmentioned budget), but there is a refurb GTX 470 on geeks for ~$125 shipped:

Also available is a new 5750 for about $75 shipped:

It really depends on what you are going for (a card just for your current setup or one that you can pull forward to a newer one; whether you want a new generation of card or are not too worried about that --> goes back to the setup question).

EDIT: Sorry, forgot about the nvidia preference when mentioning the 5750. If you want a cheap replacement with similar performance, there is a gt 340 available fro ~$50 shipped, but it is supposedly 'Almost Gone':
Thanks for the quick responses really appreciate it!
My power supply is 720 watts and my budget is around 90 euros (130-140 usd)
I need a relatively good card cause i am playing some games at the moment so what would you suggest as a final good purchase?I just need a card that can maximise it's potential on my current setup!

Thanks again :)

I noticed you listed 3Gb of ram. Are you using a 32 bit version or 64 bit version of Windows?

I ask because 32 bit can only address 4Gb including the graphics card so if it is 32 bit I believe we should limit purchases to 1Gb cards and lower. That budget leaves the 550TI

Also what brand of power supply?

I'm assuming you are asking about pci-e and not pci (very old)
In your case, there is not going to be any difference since your mobo probably has pci-e 1.1 or 2.0
Most modern cards are pci-e 3.0 anyways and since they are backward compatible, you shouldn't have to worry about it.
But I would recommend to go for a pcie 3.0 if you are planing to use the same card later in a newer system

I have a GTX 650 Ti running in a AMD Phenom 9600 X4. I think the 650 would be a perfect fit for your machine.

Well his CPU would perform better clock for clock than yours and in most games that are dual threaded he would get more fps with a higher end card

really depends on your resolution though OP, 650 would be more than enough for 720p

At 1080p the GPU will be carrying more weight

What games do you tend to play?

I understand in games that are dual threaded his will blow mine out of the water. But in games that support 4 threads mine pulls ahead and even when it does pull ahead, the 650 Ti can still be bottlenecked by the CPU. I play at 1080p as well so 650 should be perfect for his build. Just trying to keep him away from the 650 Ti because I think that would end up wasting a bit of money. although, a radeon 7700 should be considered. :)

On a side note, is it true Nvidia cards are less reliant on the CPU? I'v read it a couple times but it's hard to tell if there's any truth in that.
The Maxwell architecture in the future is supposed to make the GPU less dependent

A HardOCP review found that Nvidia cards (680 specifically) more sensitive to CPU speeds and latency so I dunno

7770 would be a good balance

If you're worried about CPU usage, the Geforce 700 series is going to feature "Dynamic Parallelism". With DP, the CPU can send an instruction that creates more instructions inside the GPU. So it should reduce CPU overhead by quite a bit.

frees up GPU from CPU but physics and other stuff on the CPU will still be the mains things holding back things back


Really comes down which you're a fan of from here. Nvidia or Radeon. I personally like Nvidia and if you're into Project SHIELD the 650 is still going to support it so that may lean you more towards the 650 than the 7700.
Guys you couldn't help me more and i really appreciate your inputs.
To answer some of the questions. I currently playing League of Legends some World of Warcraft and yesterday i installed max payne 3.So that is the range of the games.I want to play LoL in some decent settings with no FPS lag and also be able to install some of the latest games.My desktop resolution is 1920x1080 so i tend to use that resolution in games too!So i think i am going for the 650 at last.Thank you all so much!