GPU usage 100% when idle

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Nov 17, 2016
i had the same issue. One day i started my PC and my GPU was 100% load with 60 degrees idle mode without doing anything at all stable for at least 30-40 minutes in that time i runned a hole computer scan with my antivirus software (AVG) nothing happens then i got really scary. I dowloaded a specific program for this bitcoin mining thing i runned again i hole PC scan 0 viruses found, i checked the task manager for an unknown program running but nothing my CPU was at normal usage. Then i restarted my PC and the problem dissapeared and again several times and my GPU never had this problem again. Im little bit of worried for what happened that time my GPU is 0% load now in 35-50 degrees normal idle. But i have some concerns do i need to worry ??? THANKS!!
the thing is that my pc is only 2 weeks since i built it and its brand new and thats why i concern the most i almost downloaded nothing from the internet only steam. My GPU is an AMD Radeon Rx 480 8GB from MSI just to know

Yeah I understand that. I get really worried when something happens with my PC, since all the parts are less than two months old. I just troubleshoot if I can and hopefully the problems go away and don't come back.
So each virus scanner uses a different signature database, and it looks for matching signatures in your filesystem. Because of this, it is possible that you have a virus that isn't on your virus scanner's signature list. My recommendation would be to use at least 2 different scanners, (the more the better though) and scan your pc for malware again. Your issue sounds like malware to me.

If it isn't malware, then it's probably just a weird startup program that hogs resources on system startup, or like EpIck said, it could be just a weird glitch. I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens again.
Bad news guys, after restarting my pc the problem was again there 100% load on GPU after seeing that i restarted again and the problem vanished. Now im worried very much i know something not going well pls help 🙁

It's probably Malware then. You'll have to try and find it either with another scanner or look for it yourself.

i downloaded the Malwarebytes which is very good at finding that kind of stuff bitcoin miners i runned a scan several times nothing it take me 2 hours for scanning the hole pc but it tells me that no threats found so any other advise ? or other antivirus program to download?
By the way i see on google that if you have a Bitcoin Miner in your pc you can detect it from the Task Manager it takes too much of CPU usage but my CPU usage is at normal (when my GPU goes crazy) 1-2% and my Memory at 10-15%
SO I dont know what kind of malware is this ???


every process that takes 100% of the GPU load can be seen ALWAYS in the task manager and eating you CPU load together every process that takes the GPU power can be seen taking significant % from the CPU load.
The thing is that only my GPU is going crazy in that time all the other components CPU,RAM is at normal !!!
I dont know what is causing that!
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