GPU's FPS is going crazy and everything is sped up w/ sapphire radeon hd 7970


May 5, 2013
I have a sapphire HD 7970 and a amd fx-8350; ok so everytime i play a game or benchmark my video card the fps goes crazy up and down and everything is sped up like crazy; its never stable. Then every once an while its fine, but this is driving me crazy. I usually have the GPU overclocked to 1125 core clock and memory clock of 1545 but the stock clocks are 1450 and 1000.. so they are not even that big of a overclock (core votage is 1188, original is 1175) but even when i turn the clocks back to normal is still spikes my fps. Also when i stability test my CPU and then benchmark or play a game it is fine. So im thinking the cpu is being bottle necked.. but im not realy to sure y that would happen because this is the best amd cpu u can get... (i am not overclocking cpu just turbo 4.2ghz also waiting for my watercooling so i can overclock) So if anyone knows what i can do for this that would really help me a lot thanks 😀
Which game/benchmark? Because I was recently playing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on my 7950 and suddenly the fps dipped to 9 from 55... while in Far Cry 3 it was a constant 50+... Also the notorious Prototype 2 exhibits the same behavior (console ports... sigh)... brought the frame rate down to single digits.

well i did a couple of benchmarks on heaven and msi combuster.. but it happens with every game i play whether its League of legends or Crysis 3, bio shock, battlefield 3, tomb raider, or far cry..