medicine companies patent or whatever it is, their brand of medicine, so no one else can make it, they than proceed to mark medicine up in the range of 30-60 times higher than cost of production.
than you have insurance companies who are more willing to let you have a cheaper treatment than a permanent (but more costly up front) cure. and in a great number of cases, with holding payments (and as a byproduct treatment) until its too late to treat ( you see this in older people and foreigners most often)
these companies are around to make a buck, not for the good of everyone... there is a reason why certain illness are known as a poor person thing.
Lasik eye treatment is in the category as nanotech, its a procedure that was going to come along at some time with next to no direct research necessary... let me put it this way. we didn't develop lasers just for eye treatment, it was a biprduct of another area of research. and you know something, lasik isnt covered under my insurance, because they will NOT PAY for a permanent fix, they will only pay for treatment because its cheaper up front.
the world can currently only feed 2/3 the people on the planet, genetically engineering food could be another solution, but the stupid people protest it every step of the way. and while im on that 2/3 people can eat thing, you also have to think many people know this in science, and any advancement they make to save peoples lives burdens people more and more with less food.
wow did you ever go off topic after the first few sentences... lets look at it another way... with robotics advancing fast and able to take out most of the manual labor jobs, that means that even the old people who cant do manual labor could still work. lower population would be able to sustain itself (we will have a really rough patch when the baby boomers get to old to work) with the aid of robots, and a longer working life span because you dont need manual labor.
point you are makeing is the world doesnt have black and white options, and that everything is a shade of grey, problem is status quo is not working, and hasnt been working for a long time, and a change needs to be made.
bringing the point back, there is a good chance that without tech aid, cancer and aids may never truly be cured because of the nature of both illnesses, so even researching it will only provide in treatments rather than cures.