Graphic Card Motherboard choice/setting a new workstation


Jul 30, 2015
I am using Maya,Max,rendring in mental ray and vray/ grasshopper script, adobe package/psd,AE/ and plan to set a new workstation.

Open also for recommendation to narrow the choice of rendering to one option/software!
My plan is the following configuration:
Model Mainboard: H97 S1150, DDR3, USB3.0,8ch,SATA III,GLAN,DVI,HDMI
CPU: Intel Core i5 3.20GHz,1MB,6MB,84W,1150

not sure which graphic card, though. Is PNY Quadro K1200 4GB a reasonable choice? My budget is up to $300-400
Also for the motherboard: what do you think about H97 or would you recommend MSI series like
MSI Z97M-G43 ?

Any advice is highly welcomed and appreciated! Thank you!

Best regards, Niya

You are on the right track. Even the R9 280 will beat the R9 380 in computing performance. Computing performance being programs other than video games that use the graphics card's power. Mostly rendering, 3D programs and a lot of various different programs like you have...

For programs like those the R9 280X does very well.

Hello KKAW,

first thank you for the response. I cannot see your comment as helpful, since this is a gaming card and I need an advice for a graphic card suitable for visualisations and short animations. Also I would appreciate it if anyone shares opinion on how to choose the motherboard. Now I am looking at MSI Z97M and MSI H97. My choise is not fixed.


There is a reason why i recommended the R9 280X, the R9 280X excels when it comes to video rendering or other non gaming programs that heavily utilize GPU power and VRAM. The R9 280X even comes further ahead compared to the GTX 970 when it comes to computing.
Hello KKAW,

thank you for the fast reply. I have made some research online the card you suggest. Sounds promising. What I find is R9 by
MSI/PowerColor/Asus/Gigabyte/Sapphire R9 280x...
Which one do you recommend or have good experience with?

Best Regards,

For The R9 200 series i am definitely going to recommend:
1. Sapphire
2. MSI
3. Gigabyte

PowerColor perform as well, however the customer service and warranty system is not Tier 1.
I personally do not recommend Asus GPU's, all the benchmarks i see are disappointing compared to the other manufacturers, especially the R9 200 series.
Hello KKAW,

Thank you for the fast response. I have called some computer parts suppliers . THe card is out of stock at least here, in Bulgaria, and they are not willing to order it anymore. They have suggested me R9 380 by Sapphire. II have checked it online and my concern is that this 380 is only for gaming good.

How do you see it and could you suggest another graphic card for visualisations with a reasonable
price-quality ratio, please?

Best Regards,

You are on the right track. Even the R9 280 will beat the R9 380 in computing performance. Computing performance being programs other than video games that use the graphics card's power. Mostly rendering, 3D programs and a lot of various different programs like you have stated above will take advantage of a GPU with strong computing performance.

Try to find the R9 290 or R9 290X, these have excellent computing performance.

If those two are unavailable your next best choice would be a GTX 970.
Hello KKAW,

I have found your last tips here. Was impressed first by the upclocked R9,yet their network adapter is consumes Watts like a monster. So I chose the 970, being a bit more expensive, yet with only 400W. Have just picked it from stock today!

Curious how it goes when I assamble the whole workstation.
Thank you for your advice!

Best Regards,

The GTX 970 is an excellent choice especially if you are ever going to game.
The GTX 970 needs a minimum of a Tier 2 500W PSU. Check out the PSU Requirements on the bottom right.
Make sure you overclock the GTX 970 safely, it will give an amazing performance boost. Check out the Safe GPU Overclocking on the bottom right of this reply.

Just to clear things up the higher wattage will make no difference in the yearly or monthly electricity bill you receive. Only a minor increase like +$30 a year.
However you do need a higher wattage PSU for the R9 290X.