Graphic card selection


May 18, 2013
I have fx6100 4gb Kingston hyper x fury ram and my zotac 750 ti 2gb has gone bad and they gave me a full refund so I'm wondering which card I should buy in that size range for gaming on high settings at 1366*720 and I'm getting a new mobo asus m5a 78 m plus usb3
If your looking for the cheapest of the two and the 1050 is cheaper than the 460 for you.

Performance wise they're both real close either way and at the resolution your going to use it should only be a difference of ~5fps or so. Maybe not even that.
I'd say either a 1050ti or 1060 6gb. The 6gb might be overkill for that res. but its always nice knowing you have it if you need it. As far as brands go, well with Pascal most of 'em are pretty close to the same. We're talking maybe a difference around 100-150mhz at most between most. I'd recommend just sticking with the well known brands and not necessarily in this order.

Asus Strix

Which of these is best for me?

The zotac mini would be the better value for money. At high settings 2gb should be fine in the kind of 720p you're using. The downside is that if you ever decide to go to 1080p then you'll get close to the limit real quick.

If you can afford it the MSI is better because the 4gb will give you some wiggle room but it's priced significantly higher. For 720p its almost overkill but its not like games are getting smaller. If you go to 1080p the ram will be fine but you might have to lower some settings for the clocks.

The clock speeds are about the same for either so the only real difference is price/vram.
Rx 460 is a plenty for your resolution. It's ok even for 1080p. You may consider 1050 or 1050ti too. Watch some comparisons on youtube to make a right choice.
1060 will be bottlenecked by your cpu, not sure if your psu can handle it either.

The Zotac should be good to go.

The RX460 isn't a bad choice either. I just recommend you look up game reviews for the games you're going to be playing with it. When it comes to budget cards the gap between NV and AMD isn't that wide but there are games that favor one over the other. Reading up on game reviews can really help with those decisions. I'd expect the 460 to cost less but the price difference might not be that great.

Nooo. Not much difference. Tons of comparisons on youtube, why don't you make your own decision?
1050 a little bit better overall, but a little more pricey. Rx 460 a little better value for money, at least in my country.
Both are more than enough for your resolution.
If your looking for the cheapest of the two and the 1050 is cheaper than the 460 for you.

Performance wise they're both real close either way and at the resolution your going to use it should only be a difference of ~5fps or so. Maybe not even that.