Yesterday I got a new GPU, since then my display keeps turning black for about 2-3 seconds and then back to normal without hampering any process. Videos keep playing, games keep running, no indication that there is anything wrong with drivers crashing. It only happens on my main screen MSI 27" 165Hz curved monitor. And there seems to be a pattern in the time frame, about 10/15 minutes between blackouts.
I did some stress tests with it and this didnt trigger any reaction, it happens under full-load(drawing about 250w), and under no-load(drawing ~10-15w)
I switched from a Sapphire Nitro+ 5700XT SE to a MSI 2080 TI Gaming x trio 11G.
Thanks for the help!
My specs:
AMD ryzen 5 2600x
MSI x470 Gaming plus
MSI 2080 TI Gaming x trio 11G
32gb G.Skill Aegis
Gigabyte GP-P750GM(I know the explosive PSU)
MSI Optix G27C4 27
Yesterday I got a new GPU, since then my display keeps turning black for about 2-3 seconds and then back to normal without hampering any process. Videos keep playing, games keep running, no indication that there is anything wrong with drivers crashing. It only happens on my main screen MSI 27" 165Hz curved monitor. And there seems to be a pattern in the time frame, about 10/15 minutes between blackouts.
I did some stress tests with it and this didnt trigger any reaction, it happens under full-load(drawing about 250w), and under no-load(drawing ~10-15w)
I switched from a Sapphire Nitro+ 5700XT SE to a MSI 2080 TI Gaming x trio 11G.
Thanks for the help!
My specs:
AMD ryzen 5 2600x
MSI x470 Gaming plus
MSI 2080 TI Gaming x trio 11G
32gb G.Skill Aegis
Gigabyte GP-P750GM(I know the explosive PSU)
MSI Optix G27C4 27
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