Intel i5-3340
8gb RAM
GPU: Nvidia GTX 950
MOBO: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WDNNHRM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
(has no name afaik so posting this link)
So I have an issue where I have attempted to reinsert my graphics card many times and it still will not be detected by the computer. my hypothesis is that it is an issue with the PSU since it did start before with a different PSU that I had to replace with the current one because it was apparently burning when I tried to turn it on. The 6-pin connector of this PSU seems to be going in fine to the GPU, it seems connected to the PSU, the PSU is definitely powering everything else I have it connected to, I'm not sure what the problem is though it could be something other than the PSU. The possibility that the GPU is turning on but not being detected is also not the case since the fan is not spinning or anything.
Any suggestions? Thank you.
Intel i5-3340
8gb RAM
GPU: Nvidia GTX 950
MOBO: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07WDNNHRM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
(has no name afaik so posting this link)
So I have an issue where I have attempted to reinsert my graphics card many times and it still will not be detected by the computer. my hypothesis is that it is an issue with the PSU since it did start before with a different PSU that I had to replace with the current one because it was apparently burning when I tried to turn it on. The 6-pin connector of this PSU seems to be going in fine to the GPU, it seems connected to the PSU, the PSU is definitely powering everything else I have it connected to, I'm not sure what the problem is though it could be something other than the PSU. The possibility that the GPU is turning on but not being detected is also not the case since the fan is not spinning or anything.
Any suggestions? Thank you.