...yeah a real pain if you are just upgrading. Was putting aside funds for a 1070 which is now on hold unless Nvidia gets some back in stock in their store (on that watch list). Not going to bother with used as quite likely there are already cards that were "retired" from mining out there and with the torture they've been put through, you would be working on "borrowed time" particularly if you plan to use them for CG rendering.
Last week Titan Xp's and even Titan Vs were out of stock at Nvidia, so seeing them available again might be a ray of hope that their stock of the other models will be replenished. Maybe what Nvidia needs to do is limit purchases to only one card per month so the rest of us have a shot at getting one.
The situation is really out of hand as when I went to Newegg to check on 1070 availability, most were 800$ to 900$ (with a few over 1,000$) and all were from third party sources, some located overseas (one I could not even find the exact location of other than it is somewhere in Asia). Clicking "Newegg Only" only a handful of cards were listed and all were "out of stock". I saw no combo deals listed when I clicked on an individual product. However for one, on the list of "other items" customers have bought, there was a GPU riser for mining rigs and a 6 pack of 1070s. Even they caved into the craze.
Last week Titan Xp's and even Titan Vs were out of stock at Nvidia, so seeing them available again might be a ray of hope that their stock of the other models will be replenished. Maybe what Nvidia needs to do is limit purchases to only one card per month so the rest of us have a shot at getting one.
The situation is really out of hand as when I went to Newegg to check on 1070 availability, most were 800$ to 900$ (with a few over 1,000$) and all were from third party sources, some located overseas (one I could not even find the exact location of other than it is somewhere in Asia). Clicking "Newegg Only" only a handful of cards were listed and all were "out of stock". I saw no combo deals listed when I clicked on an individual product. However for one, on the list of "other items" customers have bought, there was a GPU riser for mining rigs and a 6 pack of 1070s. Even they caved into the craze.