[SOLVED] Grey Screen -> Unable to boot Windows (StartUp Repair failed)


Jun 5, 2016
Hi there first off want to say it's amazing that forums like this exist and that awesome people voluntarily want to help others with their comp problems.

I was playing GTA V last night when my main screen went black and second screen displayed a flat Grey colour. After restart I was able to make it past the initial Windows 8.1 boot circle...

But am then left with a black screen. Left it running like that for half an hour to no avail.

After restarting the and navigating to the built in Throubleshoot options, I ran the StartUp repair tool but that also failed. I will attach the SrtTrial.txt file that it produced contained these errors.

Root cause found:
Unspecified changes to system configuration might have caused the problem.

Repair action:
Result: Failed. Error code = 0x32
Time taken = 2437 ms

Repair action: System files integrity check and repair
Result: Failed. Error code = 0x490
Time taken = 1492766 ms

I then restarted and was able to boot into Safe Mode w/ networking with all my files intact so that was a relief. There I ran a sfc scannow command but that also failled.


Here is the linkto the CBS file - http://www.mediafire.com/file/rzvyfa89rg9qfuy/CBS.log/file

Restarting once more and booting up has the same result Windows spinner to black screen. Not sure where to go from here and would love to save my files/programs if possible.

Any next steps or ideas would be appreciated.

Comp Specs:
Windows 8.1 Build 9600
16 GB Ram
AMD 7870 GPU
Intel I5-3570 CPU

Many thanks,
ok did you do scan file after this?

Didn't but ended up going a different route. I thought that it could be my GPU that was causing the black screen so I force uninstalled the drivers using DDU while in Safe Mode.
After that I was able to boot normally using the integrated graphics. Must have been a corrupted or fried GPU as when I tried reinstalling my GPU drivers normally half way through my screen went fully Green and stayed that way.
Sooo I went and picked up a new Geforce RTX 2070 to replace it.

But new graphics cards no longer support windows 8/8.1 so I had to upgrade to Windows 10 which I did successfully. Unfortunately in the process of either deleting my drivers with DDU or the upgrade itself the Audio Drivers for my Motherboard went missing from device manager and nothing I can do will make them appear.

So now I'm left with a bootable windows, a new graphics card but no audio. Not much better then where I started from lmao.

This is my motherboard if your curious - https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-Z77-D3H-rev-10#ov