gt 1030 and 8 gb ram or gtx 1050ti 2 gb and 4 gb ram

Feb 2, 2019
i have brought a new pc
prossesor= g4400
ram= 4 gb ddr4 2133
space= 1 tb herd disc
walton psu 300 wat

bt it only has 300 wat of power i am going to bye the gt 1030 because my case is too small i am going to buy gt 1030 and 4gb ram recently i saw some videos that show that the gtx 1050 2 gb is too good for buget....but if i brought gtx 1050 2 gb i cant buy if i can i cant expand my pc what do i do now
I recommend you first of all get a better PSU as it is the main components of your PC. After that get a 1050 if your budget allows you if not get a 1030. The RAM is very low considering that you want to play some decent title but you can still play games with 4gb RAM