I must say I find it entertaining when everyone else is saying it is not meant for overclocking, which sure it is not, however I have the 2GB GDDR5 version and it is stable at 1302MHz, 400MHz above stock, almost 1 and a half times the original, and it still works(just remember to increase voltage to max which is 1.163v, temperatures only got to 57 c at max). In Dirt rally it increased my average fps from 42.52 up to an incredible 57.86. I know that does not sound very impressive, but this card cost around £60 for me, and it is performing adequately in my gaming rig. I know everyone will say to get a better card, however I am a teenager, and have other expensive hobbies so I can't, also why would I when I can get performance like this, at lower graphical settings, yes, but I am happy with it so who else should care. So anyone who says this card can not be overclocked, it can.