Shadowex99 :
Hello. I'm planning to get a GT 730 2GB GDDR5 64Bit and I'm just wondering if this GPU can be overclocked and if so please tell me your highest clocks.
I used EVGA PrecisionX to OC my GT 730, and it's actually pretty good. I don't game much or have anything to compare it to, but my clock speed is now stable at 1.14 Ghz and the memory clock is stable at 1.32 Ghz, with peak voltage 1125mV.
It's still not a fair comparison to cards which are three times the price, although that should hardly be a surprise. I can play Planetside 2 with Medium-high settings and get between 40 and 26 frames per second, although I've now locked it to 30.
Furthermore, it's very impressively cool, never getting hotter than 50 degrees Celsius, even under full load- so I don't think I'm reducing the life of the card.
If anyone wants to copy my settings, I have the fan on auto, 1125mV voltage, GPU offset +238, Mem clock offset +416, no temperature or power target. I've tried higher settings, but any higher offsets caused instability and graphics driver crashes, so those settings are where I'm leaving it for now.
Please tell me what you think, and if it worked for you! There isn't much risk involved with overclocking this if you're careful, but I am NOT responsible if you burn out your card or somehow break it trying this.
BTW I have the EVGA GDDR5 2gb Low-Profile variant. (Sorry for how incoherent this is)