GT300 specs, gtx380,360 gts350,340


Sep 13, 2006
This site is generally pretty reliable in regards to new hardware. Looks like NVidia has some serious firepower coming our way. Hopefully, info is accurate and prices aren't obscene! Based on just the numbers they give, theoretically gts 350 and above will outperform 5870. Of course, these cards aren't available yet and we don't know what real world performance will actually be..... but still something to look at and drool over!

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For the AMD guys

It's hard to imagine; 280+ gb of bandwidth form a single chip card. It says max board power for the 380 will be 225w. I wonder if that means they snuck in under the limit using 2-6 pin connectors or have to have a 6+8 pin for OC headroom. I wish it was out NOW!

That's a silly statement to make to the RojakPot specualtion.

'Everything else being "mostly" equal' ?

WTF are you talking about? Very little is going to be 'equal', and how do you think 320 shaders = 1600 shaders?

There is no way to directly relate the two, especially since the HD5870 changes their RBE structure and their cache and buffer arangement, so whether or not they need or can use more bandwidth is another question, but as the HD2900 showed, raw bandwidth alone means very little.

And until we know how the shader, texture units and especially the...


Sep 13, 2006
The fillrates of the two cards are virtually the same, but the bandwidth is about 15% higher on the 350. I would guess that the bandwidth with the help of the larger buswidth would mathematically push the 350 to a slim advantage.


Sep 13, 2006
There's no denying that AMD wears the crown right now and that these numbers might be somewhat speculative. I'm just showing what's hopefully coming. I think everybody likes faster, no matter what team you prefer.
If the specs are to be believed:

GTX 285: Vertex Shaders (240), ROP's (32), Pixel Shaders (240)
Core Speed (648, 1.476), Pixel Fill Rate (20,736), Texture Fill Rate (51,840)
Memory Bandwith/Type (512Mbit GDDR3), Memory Speed (1242Mhz), Memory Bandwith (158.98 GB/sec)

GTX 380: Vertex Shaders (512), ROP's (64), Pixel Shaders (512)
Core Speed (700, 1.6), Pixel Fill Rate (44,800), Texture Fill Rate (89,600)
Memory Bandwith/Type (512Mbit GDDR5), Memory Speed (1100Mhz), Memory Bandwith (281.6 GB/sec)

5870: Vertex Shaders (1600), ROP's (32), Pixel Shaders (1600)
Core Speed (850), Pixel Fill Rate (27,200), Texture Fill Rate (68,000)
Memory Bandwith/Type (256Mbit GDDR5), Memory Speed (1200Mhz), Memory Bandwith (153.6 GB/sec)

We'll see. NVIDIA may have pulled a white rabbit out of its perverbial hat on this one.


Sep 13, 2006
2 months actually for the 380 (nov 27 is listed as release date). Besides, as far as AMD goes, and this is not meant as a slight at all, being the value leader- which I think they have been for the most part- is still a good position to be in. The midrange is the vast majority of sales anyway.
That being said, I still am seriously excited about the gt300 if these numbers are factual. With the 380 being out for the holiday season and around th windows 7 launch is a huge plus for NVidia. If it had fallen to the first of the year, it would have looked much worse.


Oct 5, 2006
what a bullshit :D. Whats the date on that table?

~2 Bil transistors is just no way. Ati went >2x to double up everything. Nvidia is more than doubling so I guess min is ~3 bil and more.

Also that table must have been pulled up their arses, checking out the 4 cards from 1 chip (which is actually super waste of silicon for the 340 having half of everything but still HUGE chip.

total crap
I guess we will see, IN 3 MONTHS. If its faster than the 5870, it doesn't matter what price it is, ATI will just lower prices.
They can't. That will choke off their previous gen cards, and remember, AMD is still in major financial trouble. They need a profit, now, not market share.

Lower the 5870 to $350, and you have to lower the 5850 to $275 to compensate. This kills off the 4870X2, which would need to drop into the ~$250 range, and the 4890, which would need to be priced down around $199. Nevermind what that does to the 4870, 4850, 4770, and the 4670 as a result. AMD simply can't afford to do that right now to cater to such a small group of customers.

Took a while, I know.

I do have some questions, namly the transistor count, but looks close to what I was expecting. Fact is, NVIDIA simply has more expertieze and manpower and funds then AMD right now, so the fact they could double is in fact quite realistic. This also fits with the expected black friday release (8800GTX/295 release anyone?).

This could also be blatently false. But this is hardly fudzillia we are talking about here...

*waits for the "These are only estimated specs" apology*


Sep 13, 2006
Wasn't the die size for the 285 massive as compared to the 48xx series. Even with the shrink to 40nm, a 50% increase in transistor count might not be as unrealistic as it sounds. Plus with the 512 buswidth they probably had some power restraints.


Sep 13, 2006
Geforce GTX 285 - new Nvidia graphics card reviewed at PC Games Hardware Online. [Source: view picture gallery] Even without the heat spreader, which makes the graphics processor appear bigger than it actually is, the Die of the old 65 nm GT200 is, according to our digital caliper, about 606 mm² big (CPU-Z displays 576 mm²). TSMC, who produce the GT200 and GT200b, specify a linear shrink of 10 percent for the new architecture. If Nvidia was able to make full use of those possibilities, the Die size of the GT200b should be about 490 mm² - this is still almost twice the size of the RV770 Die which is working on AMD's Radeon HD 4800 cards.


If the die size was already double the 4800, I think doubling the transistor count would be difficult. The yield would likely be so small nobody could afford what they would likely have to charge.


Assuming that is all true, Nvidia have given up on having the fastest single card, because there is no way to X2 a chip of this size without a die shrink.

It should be interesting to see what AMD do here. If the 5870x2 is released first, it will put a real dampener on the g380's release because there is no way the g380 can be as fast. Another alternative would be to wait and just release it straight afterwards, sorta for shock value. Give Nvidia a day or two of having the crown back :p

Either way, ATI has the fastest card this round. The 5870x2 cannot be beaten by any single gpu, and this nvidia cannot be doubled up without a die shrink.


Sep 13, 2006

I don't think that is necessarily true. I could see them multichipping perhaps the gtx360 to make a 395. I'm not sure if this is any more feasible, but still easier than 2x 380. I'm quite sure NVidia has not given up on a multichip card. It's too bad we have to wait until November for the 380. It's going to be very interesting when this thing hits the market.


Nov 18, 2007
If this is all true... (including that release date of the gtx380) I will be hopefully stepping up to a GTX380 from a GTX295 through EVGA it seems. That would definitely be pretty sweet if all these numbers are true.



The talk is that ATI might have to lower some specs on the 5870 in order to x2 it. If that is true, then Nvidia would certainly have to lower theirs by a lot more. Nvidia could only X2 the g200 after a die shrink, and that consumed a lot less power than this g380.

Aint no way Nvidia will be x2'ing this without one.


May 29, 2009
I have no doubt the card will be fast....very fast. I'm just afraid of what it will cost. If you think NVIDIA will sell that for $450 then you probably have your head in the clouds.
Just like AMD has the 5850x2, there is no reason why Nvidia can't x2 a lower card as well. Sure it wont' be as fast if they used the fastest card, but use what you can use. I've seen the 3Bil figure used more often, and its probably correct. They might be using 2Bil, it will depend on whether this really is a new chip or not. I don't see anything in that chart that shows it will be faster then the 5870. The 2900XT had monster specs, and it could barely keep up with the 8800GT.

If Nvidia is telling us the truth, AMD might have some real problems. IF this is a totally new design and they managed to more then double the SP without having to double the number of transistors, then they might have a real winner. Due to the lack of new stuff coming from team green, I feel its a bit more likely that this is just the G(T)200 doubled, in every way including power and heat.