We have no idea when the G300 will be out, and may not know this month at all, which could be a huge problem for nVidia.
OK, going by what weve seen released, of course its been on AMD cpus, and the sources have been pretty decent, if youre into tracking that sort of thing.
OK, now as to the perf itself, I have to agree that the 5870 is an major upgrade from the 4870x2, as it doesnt suffer from dual core problems/losses, and the core speeds are higher, as well as the memory speeds, plus a few other tweaks, and not only perf, but af as well.
If everything is what it seems to be at this point, the 5870 is slightly better than a 295, and possibly in some games way better, and possibly in a small number of games, competitive, but loses by a few frames or two, depending on setup.
If the G300 is going to ever get here, itd be good for nVidia to not go around pushing physx and CUDA, but frame rates and resolutions , since thats still the main focus of gamers, not something else. And then promote DX11 itself, as itll also have a few nice things in it. Having tesselation could be as nice as physx if done properly, and wont effect game play any more than physx will/does, but brings the bling just like physx, but both are costly, the difference is, DX11 can bring more perf, while physx will only require more perf.
So, highend, yes, physx will work well, with diminishing returns from that point onwards, and mid low end, DX11 will lift perf alot, so I dont really understand nVidias postin, other than they dont have a DX11 card ready possibly