[SOLVED] GTA 5 Online on a Pi

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May 25, 2020
I'd like any very low power/cost PI or Adruino to load and run GTA 5 Online. Not play-I don't need any kind of even decent graphics,just something that will load and run it.
It is for my 2nd account...In the game sometimes you need 2 people to do something and that can be a pain.( Epic Games had GTA for $5 so I have 2 copies now).
You can play GTA Online on the RPi (or any other game) by using a game streaming software like Moonlight or Parsec, but this still requires a PC to run the games on. If you don't have a PC to run the games, you can use a streaming service like GeForce Now.

If you want to run GTA Online natively on a raspberry pi, unfortunately this is not possible for multiple reasons:
  1. The RPi's CPU has an ARM architecture (similar to mobile phones). Most of the PC games are made for the x86 architecture.
  2. GTA V requires a powerful PC to run on. The Raspberry Pi is not strong enough to run it. First of all it doesn't feature a dedicated GPU. Secoundly, the CPU is not designed for gaming thus the performance in games is not really good. Depending on the model you have, the RAM might be again an issue here. RPi 4 can go up to 8Gb, but if you have an RPi 3, you'll only have 1Gb of ram available
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