My GTA V worked just fine before upgrading to the Threadripper 1950x (16 Cores) coupled with (2) RTX 2080s in SLI. All my research has lead me to strongly believe that the amount of cores is the culprit. I've tried various (.bat) files to have the game boot with only 8 cores, but it boots with all 16 anyway and stays at the loading screen that shows the bikini girl throwing a peace sign. I've un & reinstalled both the game and the social club add on multiple times, moved the game to and from my C: Drive and tried setting the affinity via (bat.) with no success.
System Specs : Threadripper 1950x / (2) RTX 2080 SLI / 64 GB of RAM / 500 Gb WD M.2 Drive / Aorus x399 Gaming 7 Mother Board / 1100 Watt Thermaltake PSU. CPU and GPUs are water-cooled. GTA has been put back to the Ext HDD E: where it was working fine before the upgrade. Does anyone have a .bat file that I can use? Could there be somthing else wrong? Please help
System Specs : Threadripper 1950x / (2) RTX 2080 SLI / 64 GB of RAM / 500 Gb WD M.2 Drive / Aorus x399 Gaming 7 Mother Board / 1100 Watt Thermaltake PSU. CPU and GPUs are water-cooled. GTA has been put back to the Ext HDD E: where it was working fine before the upgrade. Does anyone have a .bat file that I can use? Could there be somthing else wrong? Please help