GTX 1050 Ti OC

you can always oc it a bit more. boost 3.0 will likely do it for you anyway so it is really not worth the trouble. all the other pascal cards gained little more than 2-3 fps when manually oc'ed over what boost 3.0 does for it anyway!! really not worth the trouble for a couple fps which is within the margin of error anyway.
you can always oc it a bit more. boost 3.0 will likely do it for you anyway so it is really not worth the trouble. all the other pascal cards gained little more than 2-3 fps when manually oc'ed over what boost 3.0 does for it anyway!! really not worth the trouble for a couple fps which is within the margin of error anyway.
i have a 1050 ti storm x from palit and i uped the core clock by 130mhz and the memory cloak +400 andi ts completely but nvidia doesnt let it to go more than 1911 in the corecloack and 3993 on the memory