Question GTX 1060 6GB Last Hope!!

Sep 9, 2021

Really hoping someone on here can help me before I go mad.

I know it's not the greatest set-up but I'm currently running:
Msi z270 Gaming Pro Carbon
Asus Turbo GTX 1060 6gb
Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVMe PCIe M.2 1TB
8gb RAM @ 2400 Mhz

The issue I have is, I never used to have an issues playing games on a medium setting with a steady 60fps, however now a game such a my son's Paw Patrol is struggling to even stay stable at 19fps.

I ran a test on userbenchmark and all components came back as fine - except for the GPU. The average benchmark for my GPU was the 56th percentile, however for some reason mine is registering at 1.8%.

The GPU temperature doesn't go above 49C, the memory usage (when playing said childrens game) is constantly at 100%.

I have the most up-to-date BIOS, NVIDIA driver 471.68, I have used DDU in safe mode to remove everything and reinstall, i have reinstalled a bloatware-free windows 10 and I have V-sync, anti-aliasing and all the other usual suspects turned off.

Is there anyone who can offer up any solution at all?

Thank you in advance!
This probably isn't a huge help, but the only thing I can think of is to perhaps roll back to an earlier/best usable driver...?

Thank you, tried rolling back all the way to 390.75 and 396.something-or-other and still nothing.

I may just have to accept it's time to fork out for a new one.

Thank you though!
Do you mind sharing the test results from userbenchmark?

Try removing drivers using DDU in safe mode:

What is the exact make and model of your PSU?
Do you mind sharing the test results from userbenchmark?

Try removing drivers using DDU in safe mode:

What is the exact make and model of your PSU?

Thanks for your reply!

I removed the drivers twice using DDU in safe mode and i'm still stumped

and the PSU is: Aerocool Integrator MX 600W

Today I have also fully cleaned the GPU using compressed air and a fine brush and still no improvement.

Thank you again!

Thanks for your reply!

I removed the drivers twice using DDU in safe mode and i'm still stumped

and the PSU is: Aerocool Integrator MX 600W

Today I have also fully cleaned the GPU using compressed air and a fine brush and still no improvement.

Thank you again!
Your PSU is one of the bad ones. It's 552w in the 12v rail (which is the one that matters and how PSUs are named) and tier D in the tier list:
It may have something to do with your crippling performance, your possibly faulty GPU might gone bad from this as well. It's best if you replace it even if it has nothing to do with the issue (doubtful).
You should consider buying a tier B or higher.

By the way, another thing that will offer better performance is if you have a dual kit of RAM so they will run in dual channel. Either buy a new dual kit and sell your stick, or buy a completely identical stick (brand, speed, timings).
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Your PSU is one of the bad ones. It's 552w in the 12v rail (which is the one that matters and how PSUs are named) and tier D in the tier list:
It may have something to do with your crippling performance, your possibly faulty GPU might gone bad from this as well. It's best if you replace it even if it has nothing to do with the issue (doubtful).
You should consider buying a tier B or higher.

By the way, another thing that will offer better performance is if you have a dual kit of RAM so they will run in dual channel. Either buy a new dual kit and sell your stick, or buy a completely identical stick (brand, speed, timings).
Thank you so much, you may well have just saved my pc from being used as a shot put.

I'm going to have the GPU tested on a separate system to see if it has now developed a fault.

Hopefully not and I can just get a new PSU and save myself from taking out a mortgage for a new GPU.

As for the RAM suggestion, I have already bought a new card and am just waiting for it to arrive.

Thank you so much again!
My understanding from your title is that if you give the data to a princess, she will then transfer it to a droid and pop them down to a desolate planet where a crazy old fool lives. That old dude knows a thing or two about sandpeople and also about a secret Jedi that lives on the planet which he has been watching over since he was very young. That secret Jedi will then battle the forces of evil causing your low frames, blow up a very large space station and your stuff should work correctly afterward. Not to mention you might get to meet a big furry walking dog that hollers a lot....

By the way, I don't recommend hanging out in the princess' neighborhood too long after giving her the info. Just a tip.

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My understanding from your title is that if you give the data to a princess, she will then transfer it to a droid and pop them down to a desolate planet where a crazy old fool lives. That old dude knows a thing or two about sandpeople and also about a secret Jedi that lives on the planet which he has been watching over since he was very young. That secret Jedi will then battle the forces of evil causing your low frames, blow up a very large space station and your stuff should work correctly afterward. Not to mention you might get to meet a big furry walking dog that hollers a lot....

My understanding from your title is that if you give the data to a princess, she will then transfer it to a droid and pop them down to a desolate planet where a crazy old fool lives. That old dude knows a thing or two about sandpeople and also about a secret Jedi that lives on the planet which he has been watching over since he was very young. That secret Jedi will then battle the forces of evil causing your low frames, blow up a very large space station and your stuff should work correctly afterward. Not to mention you might get to meet a big furry walking dog that hollers a lot....

By the way, I don't recommend hanging out in the princess' neighborhood too long after giving her the info. Just a tip.

I see you are a person of culture. Well met. I'm glad someone here commented on the reference!
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Well indeed it was a obvious reference, at least to a certain age range and above. Big star wars fan from my teens and still loving it, including clone wars, mandalorian and rogue one. The only movie I did not enjoy, was Han solo. Even the latest episodes were better than that...

/On topic
Did you make sure you have the exact same brand speed and timings for the new stick of ram?
Well indeed it was a obvious reference, at least to a certain age range and above. Big star wars fan from my teens and still loving it, including clone wars, mandalorian and rogue one. The only movie I did not enjoy, was Han solo. Even the latest episodes were better than that...

/On topic
Did you make sure you have the exact same brand speed and timings for the new stick of ram?
/Off topic
Mixed feelings on Han Solo personally, but admittedly have only seen it once - may need to rematch
/On topic
I did, debated waiting to buy a couple of of corsair cards but figured the Hynix would suffice for now.

Once I have managed to test the GPU on another system and finally replace the PSU I will send an update hopefully closing this question.

Thank you to all who helped on this, as I said, I was seriously debating just smashing the lot having spent hours trying to get to the bottom of the problem!
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Sorry about the delay in updating. Had the GPU tested on a separate system and it worked fine. I have since bought a corsair 750w RGB PSU and I am still having the issues.

No idea what I'm going to try now but thank you to everyone who offered help!
Final update for anyone suffering the same issues:

After months of time wasted and hundreds spent, the issue was resolved by simply replacing the thermal paste on the GPU!

Thank you again to all!