GTX 1060 6gb VS RX 580 8gb


Aug 6, 2016
I know this question has been asked around a lot.
I've been planning a GPU upgrade for about a month and still am undecided. I've been an AMD user for as far back as I can remember but this time i wasn't even looking the AMD way and was set on buying the 1060 (due to Nvidia's GameWorks) until I heard stuff like the RX 580 outperforming the 1060 in most DX12 games after the latest driver updates (e.g. I wanted to get others opinion on this matter.
I would also like to know which card would age better (Future proof at. Yeah I know, no card is future proof but I'm ready to drop some settings after a couple of years, at least 2).
BTW I play on 1080p.
Thanks in advance.
If your monitor supports Freesync, basically that changes the whole topic and you should've really just mentioned it in your Original message lol.

RX 580 is your way to go, no point in taking a GTX 1060 in such a case. Which power supply do you use btw?
just go which ever is cheaper to you. DX12 is hit and miss. in battlefront 2 for example AMD is a bit faster than nvidia using DX12 but using DX11 actually still significantly faster for both nvidia and AMD. also there are other games where in DX12 nvidia end up being faster. in the end it is not much different how it was in the past? the game will running faster depending which GPU vendor sponsored the game. about which cards will age better we simply don't know. they said in the past Fury X will end up significantly better than nvidia 980ti in the future just how it was with 780ti vs 290X. now look what happen to Fury X. far from being significantly faster than 980ti it was murdered even by RX580 right now.

What would you say if i told you that my monitor supports FreeSync?
BTW I would have to upgrade my PSU as well if i go the AMD way but it won't cost much after i trade in my PSU.
If your monitor supports Freesync, basically that changes the whole topic and you should've really just mentioned it in your Original message lol.

RX 580 is your way to go, no point in taking a GTX 1060 in such a case. Which power supply do you use btw?

In my original message i forgot about my monitor supporting FreeSync.
My PSU is a 500w cooler master. I dont remember the exact Model but I know that I need to change it because it has no 6 or 8 pin connectors.

not even one 6 pin?
BTW with about the FreeSync, my monitor doesn't support FreeSync through HDMI only through DisplayPort and my experience with DisplayPort is not very pleasant. I tried to use DisplayPort on the monitor that i had before I got this monitor I got display through it for a few seconds and then the screen went blank. I replaced the monitor never even got display, replaced the wire never got display and tried it with a different PC and still got no display only a black screen. What could have caused this? Can the difference of DisplayPort versions on monitor and GPU cause this? Anywho my current monitor has a DisplayPort 1.2A.

BTW once upon a time there were games that locked out some Nvidia GameWorks features for AMD users are games like this still coming out? Because I haven't seen one in a long time.

Just checked Its an Extreme Power Plus 500w
And upon Rechecking I also found out that it has a 6-pin connector. I always Thought it was a 4-pin connector for some reason. But I still need to change it.
Or use a molex to 8-pin converter (never).

Finding reference cards in my country is quite a chore. 570s are about 10% slower and cost about the same. The easiest and best way is to change my PSU with the money i save by buying a 580 (over a 1060) roughly about 30$.
Well FreeSync work by taking advantage of Vesa Adaptive sync feature for display port. That's why Freesync only work with display port. For the 8 pin you can use 2x4 pin to 1x 8 pin molex. Though you probably better get much better PSU if you can afford it. Factory overclocked RX580 is quite power hungry. Because of the much higher clock it can consume twice as much as what 1060 use. Some people will tell you to undervolt but the thing with undervolt is they are not guaranteed to work well for every card. And finally gameworks. We still see them but gameworks or not game sponsored by nvidia tend to run better on their hardware and vice versa. Though there are some exception to this (also true for both nvidia and AMD).

This is not entirely true, though. There are FreeSync monitors being sold (including the one I own) that work over HDMI.

i know there are work towards it. though i never know actual product that actually use it (GSync over HDMI also possible but nvidia probably will not going to allow it happen). also it seems HDMI will have their own spec when it comes to VRR. and most importantly i don't know how the support from AMD since it is not official.

I know that most monitors support FreeSync only through DisplayPort. But no one seems to comment about the problem that i had with DisplayPort. I looked through many websites and forums never really got a solution to that. I've never tried to use the monitor that I currently own with DisplayPort,

I currently have a ViewSonic VX2457-mhd and had a Radeon R9 270 which i sold. The monitor that i got before this one was A an HP Elite Display something something.
When you used the DisplayPort, did you enable FreeSync mode by accident or was it enabled without you being aware? The R9 270 does not support FreeSync, it might have something to do with it.

Is there a DisplayPort entry on your mobo which you could perhaps try aswell?