Hello everyone. Here is the thing. I am buying new gaming monitor and it has freesync on board. It's fullHD 75 Mhz display, not 120 or 144Mhz. Here is the link
Moreover I am also buying new graphics card and I cant make my choice. I was planning to take gtx 1060 for 3 Gb (not 6Gb i am on tight budget). I like nvidia more than AMD cards, but when to think about profit from combination of amd card + freesync and gtx card + just vsync on other hand, what would be your pick? Price on gtx 1060 3gb and rx470 4gb are the same in y country. 6 gb and 8 gb differes towards amd's better price though. According to all reviews I've seen gtx 1060 beats rx 470 everywhere and seems better on temperatures as well. So i am really confused if is it worth of giving up better gtx 1060 card towards rx470+freesync? How much freesync benefits a game in general and if is a noticable difference? Or is vsync quiet enough for comfortable gameplay? Can somebody help me to make a desicion...
Moreover I am also buying new graphics card and I cant make my choice. I was planning to take gtx 1060 for 3 Gb (not 6Gb i am on tight budget). I like nvidia more than AMD cards, but when to think about profit from combination of amd card + freesync and gtx card + just vsync on other hand, what would be your pick? Price on gtx 1060 3gb and rx470 4gb are the same in y country. 6 gb and 8 gb differes towards amd's better price though. According to all reviews I've seen gtx 1060 beats rx 470 everywhere and seems better on temperatures as well. So i am really confused if is it worth of giving up better gtx 1060 card towards rx470+freesync? How much freesync benefits a game in general and if is a noticable difference? Or is vsync quiet enough for comfortable gameplay? Can somebody help me to make a desicion...