gtx 1060 + no gsync vs rx470 + freesync


Jan 28, 2017
Hello everyone. Here is the thing. I am buying new gaming monitor and it has freesync on board. It's fullHD 75 Mhz display, not 120 or 144Mhz. Here is the link
Moreover I am also buying new graphics card and I cant make my choice. I was planning to take gtx 1060 for 3 Gb (not 6Gb i am on tight budget). I like nvidia more than AMD cards, but when to think about profit from combination of amd card + freesync and gtx card + just vsync on other hand, what would be your pick? Price on gtx 1060 3gb and rx470 4gb are the same in y country. 6 gb and 8 gb differes towards amd's better price though. According to all reviews I've seen gtx 1060 beats rx 470 everywhere and seems better on temperatures as well. So i am really confused if is it worth of giving up better gtx 1060 card towards rx470+freesync? How much freesync benefits a game in general and if is a noticable difference? Or is vsync quiet enough for comfortable gameplay? Can somebody help me to make a desicion...
Your PSU us fine mate , 42a would be close to enough for 2 x RX 480s paired with that Pentium.

You will not touch 300w (25a) with a RX 480 & a Pentium g4560.

That's a tough one, I wouldn't really go for gtx 1060 3 gb card. what about rx 480 + free sync monitor?
Or the price could be almost the same of rx470 8gb and rx480 4gb. Also i am not sure if my psu can handle rx 480 because i got PSU be quiet for 450 Watts and rx480 requires at least 500 watts. Is rx480 much better than rx470 in fullHD?

because 3 gb vram isn't enough anymore for modern games. you wouldn't last long with 3 gb vram.
For comparison look at this video:

Depends on you really. for 1080p you wouldn't need more than 4 gb vram. I have a gtx 1080 and I max out gta v with 3.3 gb vram usage. 3 gb is a little low. I would say 4 gb vram is perfect for 1080p

And what are your full system specs so we can kind of calculate the power your system needs
Just as ForeverMirin said its a tough match , I currently have a 3GB 1060 and I can't run GTA 5 with MSAA x16
with msaa set to x8 , GTA runs at 60+ FPS with out any fluctuation
I would say , save up and get 4GB rx480 atleast , the 3gig 1060 would be better than 4gb RX470
So as you all say, it's better to take rx480 over 1060? and rx470 is not worth buying? And if to talk about Vram - 4 Gb is enough for Full HD (cause my monitor is just 1920x1080) or better look for 8GB?

Thanks for advice. Got it.
4gb vram is enough for 1080p IMO.
The only limit really is you won't be able to run ultra res textures or texture packs , & on a 24inch 1080p screen they wouldn't look any different anyway.

The performance difference between the 470/480 seemed minimal on release but with the latest drivers there's a good 10-15% performance gap between them now.
The only difference between the 4gb & 8gb 480 is obviously half the vram & the vram is also 100mhz slower - this generally equates to a 5fps max gap between the 2 which is just plain negligible IMO.

Between a 1060 3gb, 470 8gb & a 480 4gb at a similar price - the 480 4gb is the best plain & simple.

Thanks Madmatt30. So i will definitely will go for rx 480 with 4Gb. I think i will buy MSI gaming x cause seems like they have nice cooling and pretty decent peromance.
Hey guys. Another question about RX 480 and PSU. As i've read about power usage of rx 480 require for psu, it seems like card needs 42A on +12V line. And i am worried about my psu, because it seems that it doest have 42A, only 36A. Here is the link of psu on bequite's website.

Hope someone can give me an aswer if my PSU is fine for it or I need to replace it.
Thanks master. Just found nice pricing rx 480 asus rog strix for 8 gb, couple $ less than 4 gb msi gaming x. So was astonished when in review found info that it needs 41A... Thats why wanted to doublecheck.