Gtx 1060 or Gtx 1070?

Oct 22, 2018
I'm planning on upgrading my gpu from a 1050 to either a 1060 or 1070, but im still deciding which one to get.

Intel i5 4560
8gb ram
Gtx 1050

Mostly play FPS games like Overwatch, CSGO, etc

If you're gonna games in 1080p I'd go for GTX 1060 6 GB version, if in 1440p go for GTX 1070.
Also expect price drops of GTX 10xx, so you might want to consider waiting before 2060, 2070 is released.
900 series cards NEVER dropped in price after the 1000 series cards were released, so I don't necessarily expect it to happen this time either especially since a lot of sites are recommending AGAINST the 2000 series cards due to a lack of any worthwhile performance increases over the 1000 series which means there may remain a higher than normal demand for the 1000 series cards for a while.

Of course, it's very hard to figure out what any section of the hardware market is going to do, and rarely does it do exactly what we expect anyhow. Best to just buy what will get the job done for you when you find any price you can live with.
Due to your CPU which could cause a bottleneck in any of these cases a GTX 1060 is 3GB is my recommendation because that gives the most value for the money and wont result in as big of a bottleneck paired your CPU.

This depends how long you plan to keep the system for.
If you are going to play CSGO and Overwatch. Get the 1060, If You are going to play better looking games like Assassins Creed, Shadow of TR, Fallout 76, BO4. Then you should get the 1070 but also upgrade your processor! 1060 performs bad at high 1080 at these kinds of games.
Actually, the 1060 does pretty well at most games, regardless of quality settings, at 1080p. Certainly there are a FEW games that break the mold, but overall the 1060 is very capable at 1080p. For 1440p or 4k, not so much. You'll want at least a 1070 for 1440p and a 1070 ti would be better. For 4k I think a 1080 ti should be a foregone conclusion if you want anything over medium settings.

I think the bigger question, that hasn't been addressed here, is what works best with that CPU. I think gaming performance will be hampered, at least to some degree, with any card tiered higher than the GTX 1060 with that CPU. I hate to throw around the term bottleneck because it is used so loosely these days, but there it is. That 4590 probably becomes a bottleneck once you move past the GTX 1060 UNLESS you are gaming at higher than 1080p and using very high or ultra settings in which case the CPU is probably going to get more time to do it's part in rendering the frames and likely won't be holding back the GPU from doing it's job.

Another consideration will be the refresh rate of the monitor. There is very good information to be found, if you are able to adequately parse the information, here:

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