GTX 1060 SSC Stopped working after lightning hit


Oct 15, 2016
Lighting hit outside my house and I went to my pc later to see my display off so I restarted it and my gpu light came on but then turned off and no display.

I5 6600k 4.5
Gtx 1060 ssc 6gb
Z170-a asus
Evga 500w
Try 2 things. First do a bios reset. Second if that doesn't work, Try plugging your monitor into the on board gpu port and see if it lights up. If none of this works I would say it is a good bet the lightening did something to your motherboard. I have heard this is possible with older systems but newer power supplies have over volt protection.

I hope your setup is ok.
Try 2 things. First do a bios reset. Second if that doesn't work, Try plugging your monitor into the on board gpu port and see if it lights up. If none of this works I would say it is a good bet the lightening did something to your motherboard. I have heard this is possible with older systems but newer power supplies have over volt protection.

I hope your setup is ok.

I tried a new motherboard and still dont work 🙁