So I have a gtx 1070 with i7 6700 and i have had this rig since christmas and I have played games at consistent 60 fps at 1080p but now for some reason witcher 3 is stuttering when i am going fast on my horse sometimes dips into like 50 fps or 49ish when before it would stay at 60 fps and never drop played crysis 3 practically no drops in framerate but at conisitent 60 fps have a 60 hz monitor so gong over 60 is not really an issue to me even though I have heard of 1070 getting to like 80 fps in witcher and yes unlimeted fps has been turned on and off so it wasnt capped my firestrike score is18212 grahpically and physics score is11547 time spy is 5917 graphically and cpu is 4574 and no I do not want to oc