GTX 1070 or GTX 1080


Jan 29, 2016
so i saw the new gtx 1080 and 1070 reveal and how they are going to be more powerful than the titan x and so on.......
we dont have the benchmarks yet and the custom designs made by zotac,evga,gigabyte and asus arent out yet.
i game at 1080p and i want any framerate higher than 60 fps at all times
so which one should i get ? my budget is sky high with around $680 or dhs.2500 where i live .
I also want future proofing meaning i want 60 fps or higher for the next 3 years. which one should i get ? i have been struggling with intel hd graphics since feb 2016 when i sold my gtx 960
For a 144Hz monitor you may want to use the HALF Adaptive VSYNC method sometimes. (long term go with a GSYNC monitor)

The above will cap to 72FPS (VSYNC ON at 72FPS, but if you can't output 72FPS then it turns VSYNC OFF automatically to avoid STUTTER).

Then, simply tweak graphical settings based on how often you drop below 72FPS (and get screen tearing). Maybe aim for 95% time at solid 72FPS.

GTX1070 or even GTX1080 is not going to run 144FPS in many games at high settings, and of course games will continue to get more demanding all the time.

I personally go on a FOUR YEAR cycle approximately. Rocking a GTX680 and run most games at max or near-max at 60FPS. Will buy the GTX1080 or Ti version.

Within 3 years 780 ti can't do 60 fps and it was a monster of a card during its prime. 7 Years seems like a bit too much of a stretch..

well i did say i wanted more than 60 fps but never mind
For a 144Hz monitor you may want to use the HALF Adaptive VSYNC method sometimes. (long term go with a GSYNC monitor)

The above will cap to 72FPS (VSYNC ON at 72FPS, but if you can't output 72FPS then it turns VSYNC OFF automatically to avoid STUTTER).

Then, simply tweak graphical settings based on how often you drop below 72FPS (and get screen tearing). Maybe aim for 95% time at solid 72FPS.

GTX1070 or even GTX1080 is not going to run 144FPS in many games at high settings, and of course games will continue to get more demanding all the time.

I personally go on a FOUR YEAR cycle approximately. Rocking a GTX680 and run most games at max or near-max at 60FPS. Will buy the GTX1080 or Ti version.
Since you're coming from 960/Inter HD you could: Get a 1070 now, sell when 1080ti comes out which means you'll get to enjoy most of that performance now, and 1080ti performance when it's ready (in less you end up being happy with 1070 and can wait for a sale on 1080ti). Get the best of both worlds without any of the draw back.

1080 buyers are going to suffer when 1080ti comes out, it's an inevitable and endless cycle/issue when dealing with the high end. This way you can save some $ now but enjoy great gaming, and get a nice upgrade with the money you saved + more time to save and the sell of the 1070 will still retain a lot of it's value in 6 months.
I think I'll decide after the benchmarks roll in . I'll see if what photonboy said was correct about the performance difference and choose . Unfortunately I won't be able to get a 1080ti when it comes out because I'm still in high school and next comes college . Won't have any money by then .thanks for your suggestions though .
It'll be clear to you when the benchmarks/custom gpu pricing is out for sure. 1080 would have to be at least 30% faster than 1070 to somewhat justify a 50% higher price. 1070 will sell like hotcakes if it's within' 980ti/titanx performance.

That's because Nvidia cripples their own 780 Ti with HairWorks and GameWorks. Nvidia always optimizes for it's latest generation regardless of the performance hit to the last. I've had a 7970 GHz edition for a long time now in my second computer and that card is still a beast.

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