Gtx 1070 Rainbow six siege help


Nov 9, 2013
Hello I have a gtx 1070, i7 4790k, and 16gb of ram. On rainbow six siege I play at 1440p maxed out and I only get 60-75 fps while I see people with similar setups getting around 100 fps is there something wrong with my pc or maybe my game? I also have a buddy that plays on the same setup only with a 980 at 1440p and even he gets 90 fps please haaaaaalp.
is your buddies 980 system a 4790k? Is his overclocked? Is yours overclocked? is his GPU overclocked and is your GPU overclocked?

If your GPU is not overclocked I recommend overclocking it and seeing what frames you get after.

Also temps of your CPU and GPU while playing r6 siege would be great.
My buddy has the same cpu his gpu and cpu are not overclocked. My cpu is not over clocked but my gpu is slightly overclocked at 100 core and 300 memory. My cpu stays at around 60 degrees and my gpu is around 78-80 degrees. I took away the gpu overclock and I get around the same fps with it overclocked.
It could be possible your GPU is throttling down to try and keep cool, 80c is pretty hot even though they are rated to work at higher temps, my 1070 never gets above 60c in R6 or any other game, though I am playing at 1080p max settings.

Is it possible to get your friends temps on his CPU / GPU? if his GPU is a lot cooler then I think we know the issue.
He said his 980 stays around the 75 degrees when playing r6 so only a few degrees below mine and his cpu around 55-60 degrees. I checked my msi afterburner while playing and it looks like its using the overclock while in game coming in around 2000 mhz.
Alright, try this really quick so I can get a decent comparison. Change your resolution to 1080p and try out a terrorist hunt game or a casual game, and get back to me with your frames so I can see what it's like compared to my system. It's very possible that the 1070 is working at its best. Some cards work better on different games, it's possible the 980 is just a better card for this specific game. It is surprising though that a reg 980 is beating the 1070 in siege compared to a 980 ti, If his was a 980 ti I wouldn't be surprised at all.
As far as running it at 1080p I get 130 fps msaa off 110 fps msaa 2x and 90 fps msaa 4x. AS far as the benchmark I got min 80 fps avg 124.6 fps and max 206 fps with everything maxed out except for multi sampling post processing turned off.