GTX 1070 SC faulty or PSU?

Jose Jimenez

Dec 30, 2013
So as of today my gpu card fans are starting from the very moment i turn on the pc at 100% besides most of the posts about the same issue I still have image and everything besides that work properly.

Any hint? Bios flash or something?

I first would use DDU in safe mode to clear out all your nVIDIA drivers first. Select clean and restart. Your PC should boot into Windows in low...
Most fans will spin at 100% during POST (when PC starts). That is normal. If the fans do not turn down when you are in Windows, I would:

- Boot into safe mode, use DDU to uninstall graphics card driver, download and install newest graphics card driver

- Use MSI Afterburner and manually adjust fan speeds using curves.

- BIOS update although it shouldn't be required. If it was the PSU then the PC would be crashing.

The fans keep at 100% always and since them seems im having sudden reboots while gaming. No software to regulate gpu fans seems to recognize the gpu fans.

I first would use DDU in safe mode to clear out all your nVIDIA drivers first. Select clean and restart. Your PC should boot into Windows in low resolution mode. Note if the fans sound like they are at 100% in low res mode (no drivers loaded except basic ones). If they are then this is a vbios or hardware issue. If everything sound OK, install the GPU drivers and see if anything changes.