GTX 1070 slow ?


May 15, 2016
hello, I'm just wondering if my gpu is alright, I'm currently playing battlefield 1 in conquest settings on ultra res scaling on 100% and in some places I my fps drops from 79 to a constant 42 fps, is it my gpu or my cpu, I have an i5 4460
You'd need a new motherboard to move to Skylake or Kaby Lake, and the performance difference between Haswell and Skylake/Kaby Lake isn't very big, only around 10% clock for clock. If you feel the ned for a new CPU, your best option would be to get an i7 4790k. Supersampling would involve the use of DSR to run resolutions higher than 1080p or bumping up the resolution scaling in game. It is sounding like a CPU bottleneck, the large player count servers drastically increase CPU usage, and that might be why you're getting better performance in game modes with smaller maps and fewer players.
Check your GPU usage with something like MSI Afterburner. If your GPU usage is going below 100% by a huge amount when you get the framerate drops and your CPU usage is maxed out, then you have a CPU bottleneck. If your GPU usage is maxed out, then the GTX 1070 is slowing you down, though you probably shouldn't be seeing framerates that low unless you're supersampling or running at a resolution above 1440p. What resolution are you running? A CPU bottleneck is certainly possible, Battlefield 1 is ridiculously CPU heavy to the point that in some areas of the game you can't stay above 60 unless you have an overclocked i5 6600k or a reasonably new i7. Th e i5 4460 has a somewhat low clockspeed which could hurt it in a game that CPU heavy.


May 15, 2016

I'm just using my asus vg248 144hz at 1080p and how do you know if you are supersampling ?? I saw resolution scaling in the advanced video settings and I have it on 100% i even tried 125% and I still get 70-100 fps on the game like domination wich consists of less players, but I'll try using MSI after burner and I've also been thinking about buying a new cpu too and I saw that intel is releasing the new Kaby Lake processors, would you recommend to a 6700k or a 7700k when it comes out ?
You'd need a new motherboard to move to Skylake or Kaby Lake, and the performance difference between Haswell and Skylake/Kaby Lake isn't very big, only around 10% clock for clock. If you feel the ned for a new CPU, your best option would be to get an i7 4790k. Supersampling would involve the use of DSR to run resolutions higher than 1080p or bumping up the resolution scaling in game. It is sounding like a CPU bottleneck, the large player count servers drastically increase CPU usage, and that might be why you're getting better performance in game modes with smaller maps and fewer players.


May 15, 2016

But wouldn't it be a better option to at least upgrade to the skylake cpus ? I am aware I'll have to buy a new motherboard, cpu and ram, because I feel that in about 1-2 years I'll probably have to upgrade the 4790k so I was thinking of upgrading to the 6700k before it is absolutely necessary. Oh and I ran MSI afterburner and my GPU usage never went above 93%, it was around 84%-93% and my cpu usage was on 100% all the time.


May 15, 2016

Thank you so much for the info !!