GTX 1070 Worth the Upgrade over an R9 390


Oct 11, 2016
So I'm taking my current build and putting it into a smaller case. Going from a Rosewill Thor V2 to a Corsair 400C. I'm wondering if upgrading my GPU would be worth while this time around. I have a Sapphire R9 390 Nitro 8GB, was looking at a 1070 (not quite sure on which one yet, between EVGA and MSi). Would it be an upgrade worth getting?

I play on 1440P on my desktop, do you think the performance boost will be worth the money on a 1070?

Specs if it helps:
i7-4790K, Corsair H80i GT cooling it for modest OC
Sapphire R9 390 Nitro 8GB
MSi Z97 Gaming 5
16 GB RAM (Soon to be 32)

For 1080p60 no. But the 1070 is a 1440p card...the 390 really isn't. Also, the 390 is mainstream, the 1070 enthusiast, so you are going up a tier.

You'll get a very good boost in power, whether its 'worth' your money, is up to you :)

So the $430 price tag is worth the boost in performance over my R9 390?
I think I'll be hard pressed to sell my R9 390