Hey guys, I built this computer almost a year ago and haven't touched it the past 6 months. Before i left, i could get 200+ fps at 100 render and medium to high settings in overwatch, but recently after moving to a new apartment and bringing my computer with me, i wasn't getting the same fps as before even after updating all my drivers, so I tried a factory reset and redownloaded all the drivers, but now I'm getting even worse fps than before the reset. Around 80-100 fps with 75% render and all low settings in overwatch. I'm getting 20% usage on GPU in game and around 50% usage on CPU in game. I really don't know what to do now because I already tried factory resetting. Also, dont know if this could be a cause, but my air and pump fans are running about 3x faster than before even on quiet mode. Any help is appreciated 
As for specs:

As for specs: