GTX 1080 poor benchmarks


Aug 17, 2015
Only getting around 9000 on Passmark's 3d graphics Performance tests. GTX 1080 OC'd to 2100Mhz. i7 5930K OC'd to 4.2GHz. DX11 test is in 70th percentile. What is wrong? My other build (i7 4770 w/ r9 290x) is getting 9600 on same tests. Also, the dx12 test says that I am getting a 60% score deduction for not being able to run at 4k, any ideas of how to fix that?


(Edit) Just ran another benchmark after installing directx 11 and reinstalling Evga XOC and the newest drivers. Even worse than before. what the hell is happening?


dx9= 97%
dx10= 99%
dx11= 53%
dx12= 97%
GPU compute= 99%

The dx11 score is really screwing it up, also I noticed playing Rust with dx11 leads to poor performance as well.



Yeap, both the OC's are stable and tested, reset the GPU to stock and even worse result, all new drivers. I'm honestly stumped by this one. It's mainly the Directx 11 test thats screwing me I think
Nvidia Shadowplay was turned on. Goddam intensive bloatware these days, I'll tell ya. Go into Geforce Experience > Settings > Share OFF. Getting the 12000 I deserve now. Don't know how to close this thread but I've solved my problem so yea.


idk but if you want full system specs then:

i7 5930k
GTX 1080
32GB 2133mhz RAM
512GB + 256GB SSD
4tb + 1tb + 1tb HDD
Alienware Area 51 mobo
850w PSU

I mean nothing really matters accept for cpu (to clarify it isn't throttling) and gpu (the source of the question) in this instance, unless I REALLY don't know what I'm doing. lol