GTX 1080 Possibly Opened Before?


Feb 28, 2016
So I found a great deal on Amazon last week for the EVGA 1080 FTW2 card. It was listed at $589.99 sold by Services Inc. Condition was listed as "New". This was the last one in stock they had at this price. The next day I saw that the price of it jumped up to $659.99. I got it yesterday and when I opened the Amazon box, I saw that there was no shrink wrap on the EVGA box and also the taped seals on the sides of the box looked like it was taken off and then just taped on the inside so you could just slide the box holding the GPU out (this was only on one side of the box). The GPU was in the anti-static bag with the yellow tape on. I looked at the GPU and it was very clean, no scratches or anything, fans didn't look like they had dust or any scratches. Only thing I didn't look at was the PCIe pins to see if it was inserted into a slot before. I emailed EVGA and Amazon and the only thing Amazon can do is refund me the money back and can't send me a replacement.

Any suggestions on how I should go on about this?

Yes, one of the best most respected one around.

Here you go:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB FTW2 Gaming iCX Video Card ($589.89 @ B&H)...
Either demand Amazon send you a new card at the same price, give you an additional mark down due to open box or compensate you with a gift card or prime membership. Be assertive but not abusive and see what you can get. If they wont budge then it's your choice if you want to keep it or return it.
I don't understand how everyone says the EVGA is exceptional customer service when they just told me to go to Amazon and talk to them. Couldn't even scan my serial to see if it was used before. I should've just gone with the Asus ROG Strix 1080 for the same price...

even companies with the best customer service have bad cases sometimes. i think amazon has caused this problem for you and them. since it seems they cannot confirm if it has any warranty i would just return it for a refund


They do.

However it's Amazon's problem and EVGA chose not to deal with it.

EVGA didn't help because this is a seller issue, not a technical problem.
Amazon listed "AS NEW", which can cover many customer return reasons, although the listing should state if box has been opened or any cosmetic damages. Have bought a few things from Amazon from the warehouse returns and never had a problem and all still covered by warranty.

the issue is with amazon, not EVGA. for all we know the seller was selling counterfeit cards. just because the item comes from the amazon warehouse does not mean they are selling them on their own


Was EVGA listed as the seller on Amazon? I am assuming not because you said it was sold by " Services Inc." whereas it'll say "by EVGA" for the ones on Amazon where EVGA is the seller.

*IF* my assumption is correct, I have to ask, why is this EVGA's problem at all? I'd put this on Amazon, as it seems they had an open box one and didn't say it was such.

The description of the antistatic bag and (unbroken?) yellow tape suggests it's likely the card was never taken out, which is good. I don't like the whole apparently open-box thing, though.

Yes it says "By EVGA" under order details and also says Sold By Services, INC.
whats the problem here again? you said originally they offered to refund your order and you can return it. i understand the false advertising in the listening but what else do you expect from amazon at this point? they may be out of stock but you can put that refund toward getting another GPU from them when it comes back in stock or from another retail site like newegg

No. That is because the current shipper and seller is Maximus Prime. When I ordered it, it was Amazon.

The problem is, if I get the refund for $589.99 which I payed for the card, I'm going to have to pay $100 more for another one because the prices have increased since I bought it.

Then let Amazon deal with it like they already offered.

Then buy from another site like New Egg or B&H etc.

those are the risks with limited time sales, you either get a card that is flawless or it comes with problems. this is the same with every other retailer


Here is one from B&H.... Better jump on it now.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB FTW2 Gaming iCX Video Card ($589.89 @ B&H)
Total: $589.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-09-13 12:08 EDT-0400

Is B&H legit and quality? I've never ordered from them

Yes, one of the best most respected one around.

Here you go:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1080 8GB FTW2 Gaming iCX Video Card ($589.89 @ B&H)
Total: $589.89
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-09-13 12:08 EDT-0400

Awesome, thank you very much for the info. I just ordered the one off of B&H + one day shipping. Going to return the one from Amazon.