GTX 1080 SLI Not Downclocking causing hot cards


Jun 13, 2013
Hi All,

I have 2 GTX 1080s (1 zotac amp, and 1 evga ftw).

Both cards when not gaming seem to not be downclocking. I open nvidia inspector and I see the clocks still running upwards of 1600 Mhz. I googled a bit and saw that chrome can cause this but even when I exit the application I still seem to have the issue. The main problem I have with this is unless I have an OC software on, the fans seem to not kick on and my bottom card (which gets all the heat) will sit at 60-65C with no fan/low fan.

Any ideas on this? in Nvidia control panel i have "Prefer maximum performance" set because otherwise I was having low GPU usage issues in games.
I suggest leaving it at "Adaptive" or "Optimal" in global settings, but forcing maximum performance in the individual game profiles. That will get you the best of both worlds :)