Question GTX 1660 Ti having issues - display crashes/freezes at inconsistent times?

Dec 3, 2020
Hello! My apologies in advance if I'm in the wrong section for this; I'm admittedly unsure what part of my PC is failing me, but as the issue seems visual, I thought this might be the best option after a friend recommended me this site. (Basic additional info: Windows 10, 8GB ram, PC built by acquaintance 9 years ago, some parts replaced/upgraded over the years, double monitor setup, all drivers updated).

To start off, the issue is fairly straightforward: sometimes, my main monitor will turn black, then blue with an "hdmi no display" sort of message, then black again, while a noise gets louder in my PC (presumably one or more fan). My second monitor flickers, and my cursor doesn't appear - at that point, the only option I have left is to power off, then back on. A few weeks ago, this started occurring during slightly intensive games, then started happening more commonly at weirder times (first during a youtube video, and then while simply having twitter open). It may be worth adding that when this happens, seemingly other parts still work - as in, this happened during a video call, and my friend could still hear me (and I could hear her).

I tried cleaning my computer, and it kept happening, so I brought my PC to the local repair shop - after looking at it for several hours, running tests and the like, they found out that whoever had last set up my PC in my room (which was a repair guy from a different company late last year) had plugged my main monitor's HDMI cable into my on-board graphics instead of my NVidia. Having not had any issues until last month, I was left none the wiser - nothing else stuck out to the guy as wrong, outside of one fan being too gunked up by dust to move, which he cleaned until it worked again. I did not my second monitor only has VGA, and therefore needs to be connected to my on-board graphics, which he said was fine, but to unplug it if I were to do anything graphically intensive. I brought my PC home and things seemed fine.

Fast-forward to yesterday, the crash/freeze happened again, while playing AC Black Flag (which I had just received and was playing for the first time). I lowered all the settings, and even unplugged my second monitor, but it happened again - both times after roughly an hour or two of play. I can't imagine bringing my computer back to the same place, where the guy said nothing else seemed wrong, would really do me much good, unless I can figure out some new information from all this. If you have a guess as to the cause, please let me know! I'm open to any possibilities at this point. I don't have the funds for much, but my computer's really important, and if it was only crashing from games, that'd be one thing, but now that I know it can reach a point where simple browsing can lead to a crash, I'm almost worried to keep it on for long.

Thank you.
full system spec? include make and model of the psu
what the cpu/gpu temp and usage ?

Let's see, to the best of my knowledge, the system specs are:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
7.90GB usable RAM
Display 1 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
Display memory - 5991 MB
Display 2 - Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
Display memory - 32MB

Power supply is, I believe, Thermaltake Smart 850W Power Supply (SP-850M), which was installed in 2013 to replace one that failed after a storm.

I just installed Precision X1 to find out the temp, as I've never really dabbled in that information - right now, the GPU information says Clock - 300 Mhz, Voltage - 656 mV, Temperature - 35 degrees Celsius, though my computer has only been on for roughly an hour and hasn't done anything very intensive yet.

If there's anything else I should try out to get more information, let me know!
Well, as an update, my computer just crashed while helping on a charity stream - this time, the audio glitched and stopped completely, so I imagine what happened might have been a bit different. Had both monitors on, skype and discord running in the background, viewing the stream on a single tab of chrome. I really don't understand what's going on still, and of course, can't call into the repair shop today...
test the temp when you are doing something. shouldn't get close to 80

the random crash and freeze. might also be th psu
I tested the temperature while viewing the stream for a couple of hours, it never went up over 38 Celsius, but a few minutes ago, it crashed the moment I clicked on the full-screen stream option. I'm just kinda worried - when I brought my computer in to the repair shop a few weeks ago, the guy really ran tests and didn't detect anything in particular; would motherboard and psu issues fly under the radar of those tests, and are there more specific tests he could run to determine the exact source of the problem? If so, I might have to bring it in first thing tomorrow morning.