GTX 260 in a PCIe 1.0 16x slot worth it?


Sep 20, 2008
I currently have a Asus P5K-E P35 running a Q6600 with a 320 mb 8800 GT. I upgraded to a 24" monitor so now I'm running at 1920x1200 and noticed that increase in resolution has turned into a real drag on video card. I would like to upgrade to video card but I am limited to the PCIe 1.0 16x slot. I would like to know if it would be worth getting GTX 260 896MB 448-bit GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0. The money isn't really an issue, I just don't want to spend the cash if I am would be limited and only see the same increase as a 9800GTX.

Anyone know how badly I would be holding the card back because it's not a true 2.0 slot?

- KEn
You won't see much of a difference at this time. Certainly not enough to warrant avoiding the card or getting a new mobo for it. However this gap will certainly increase with each generation so a motherboard upgrade is inevitable.

A PCIe 1.0 slot will not bottleneck a GTX260. At your new resolution you will see a dramatic increase. If money is not an issue you should definitely jump on it; you will see a great increase from even a 9800GTX. I upgraded from an 8800GTS 320 to a GTX 260 in my PCIe 1.0 slot and love it.