GTX 275 temps


Mar 7, 2009
Is 74 degrees C fine for a GTX 275? I'm pretty sure it is, but just want to be 100%

It idles at 40 degrees, and gets to 74 under Folding@home (100% load I assume?)

Also, why won't the fan speed exceed 40% even at 74 degrees?

Also, when I put the fan to 100%, it went down to 60 C in under a minute, and still dropping.

K, that's what I thought. Thanks!
UPDATE: With FurMark, the temp increases to 90C, the fan speed increases to 54-56% and the temp doesn't get any higher. Just for kicks I put the fan speed locked at 25% and the temp got up quickly to 100C before I got scared and put the fan back in auto, which it then promptly descended back down to 90C.

Current Clocks: (stock)

648 (Core)
1458 (Shader)
1188 (Memory)

How far could I realistically clock it without doing damage or having the temp exceed 90C at 100% fan speed and full load?

Haha, when I put my hand behind the card is feels like a space heater......

NVIDIA Claims up to 105C is safe, but I think I was pushing my luck with 100C.