Gtx 460 and hd 7770, help me with my question!


Dec 16, 2011
I am deciding between buying a gtx 460 and an antec neo eco 520w, or buying an hd 7770 and running it off my existing Dynex 400w psu.
The hd 7770 would cost about $120.
The gtx 460 + power supply would cost quite a bit more. Around $160.
So here's the thing: I know simply buying the hd 7770 is cheaper, but I'm worried about using my old Dynex 400w with it. I feel it might be better to get a new psu, but if I do, I don't have much for the gpu.
So.. Any ideas?
Thanks guys

P.S. Again I'm not asking whether to buy solely a gtx 460 or a hd 7770, it's the power issue I want to know about.
That Dynex is a PSU-shaped object. It is, perhaps, a 200W PSU:
Do not use it; it will die and may kill attached parts.

K I'll be sure to get a new psu for the hd 7770. Any suggestions?
The Antec VP-450 is a decent PSU, and only $39. For $40, you can get a 400W Neo Eco. They're both decent PSUs. The VP-450 isn't 80+, but don't be deceived; it is efficient enough (it might make Bronze), but is disqualified for not having active PFC.