GTX 580 lag?

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Oct 10, 2011
Hello, I just bought the GTX 580 3GB graphic card.
Here's my problem: I thought I would be able to max BF3, and GTA IV, with about 60FPS average. But I can't.
On GTA, I get about 30-40 FPS.
On BF3, I get about 30-40FPS as well.

My specs are:
CPU: i7 960 @3.20Ghz
Resolution: 1920x1080

I mostly run all my games on the resolution 1920x1080.

Other Info:
*I haven't formatted my PC for quite a long time, say about a year.

*For the graphic card minunum req, it says at least 600 Watts on the Power Supply. My power supply is 550 Watts. --- Could this be the problem?

If you need anymore info, please let me know

Hard to find info on that PSU, unless my google skills fail me it seems your PSU could only ever output a maximum of 33A, its recommended (by Nvidia's AIB manufacturers) to have a PSU with atleast 42A on the +12V rail(s).

Get a good quality PSU (Corsair, Antec, Enermax, NZXT, ETC....)

Its not all about how much memory your GPU has, its about the speed on it. What GPU is it? Do you game on one monitor?

i would also suggest that you have a better PSU. Obviously 550W isn't enough for that GPU so I would recommend at least a 700W PSU.

Hope this helps!

its MegaPower A1 550 Watt

GPU Nvidia GTX 580 3GB. Brand is EVGA.
Yeah, I'll probably be getting a new PSU. And I hope the new PSU will imporve the performance.

Thanks for the replies :)
Hard to find info on that PSU, unless my google skills fail me it seems your PSU could only ever output a maximum of 33A, its recommended (by Nvidia's AIB manufacturers) to have a PSU with atleast 42A on the +12V rail(s).

Get a good quality PSU (Corsair, Antec, Enermax, NZXT, ETC....)
Don't expect a new PSU to improve performance. If the PSU wan't able to supply enough power then you'd see a whole ton of symptoms like blue screen shutdowns, random power-downs and possibly part failure. A bad PSU doesn't somehow just bottleneck your computer's performance, it's not like that.

Having said that, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a better PSU for other reasons. Having a cheapo PSU is dancing with death so to speak for your parts and yours sounds pretty dodgy.

Now, onto your actual problem. GTA IV is notorious for its poor coding and there are many factors that could contribute to low fps in that game. Get a GPU monitoring application and see what the GPU usage is in that game to se if it actually is a GPU bottleneck and not something else.

As for bf3, note that the deferred anti-aliasing setting has a massive hit on performance and just doesn't seem right to me. See how your framerate jumps up when you disable that. (Well, the beta is over now or very soon at least anyway)

But yeah make sure you're checking your GPU usage at all times to be sure it isn't another problem.
A new PSU may not improve your performance BUT it's really important thing to keep your PC running fine, do not cheap out on PSU, get a better one like Maziar dan omgitzfatal said above...

Another note, I agree with lozz08, GTA IV is a BAD coded game, so don't expect to play that game with smooth even with Hi-Tech PC... :)

the problem is your game itself, like everyone says above, GTA IV and BF3 are a very demanding game, which mean you must have a massive power (maybe 2x GTX 580) to run those game at >60 fps.
I bought a GTX 580 because I thought it would be able to max BF3 and all those game with no lag...
I guess I messed up..

I bought a 650 Watt PSU. Is that enough?
I didn't pick the PSU. My Dad Did.

Yeah, I think that's it.
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