GTX 660 Fan(s)


May 18, 2014
Hey, not sure if this is the right place, however I just wanted to ask, does anyone have any fans to recommend for keeping a GTX 660 cool? I only have one fan in my case at the moment, and
1) I'm not sure how I would go about inserting the fans and/or where I would insert them, and
2) I'm not sure which fans to get, could someone give me a link, preferably on eBAY in the UK? I am looking for a good reliable fan or fans to keep my GTX 660 cool.

Thank you very much.

In the image attached:
You can see my fan that came attached to my case, where would I put the other fans?
Sorry for the image quality, and I apologise for the dust; I know it's extremely dusty, what could I do about that also?

Thank you for any replies.
first what temps is your card getting to? anything under 70deg would be good
cleaning out the dust will probably give you as much cooling as an extra fan. remove the card from the computer and clean it with an air compressor or a clean paint brush. if using an air compressor either unplug the fans or stop them from spinning while cleaning it.
look around in your case and see what spaces you have for fans then measure the size

Thank you very much for the reply, however I am solemnly interested in fans. My temps on Watch Dogs hit 70 for the first time ever, thus making me want to add extra fans as I heard that the suggested fan amount is like 2-4 and I have one. Where could I buy these? I will clean the PC out, but I still do want to add fans.


have a look behind the hard drives at the front or on the back of the case for spots for fans. temps at 70 in watchdogs is real good. im sure a local computer shop will have them without charging too much
or ebay, newegg or pccase gear

Thank you very much! I will check, and could you find an appropriate fan or one you would recommend on ebay? Or a brand that I could search? Thanks. these are in the upper end of the market and are fairly quiet these will be a little louder and less air flow but would do the job

just make sure you check the connection type and size PWM will run off the motherboard and the others should have a molex connector

Awesome, thanks.

Just what I wanted; however I am a slight noob, how would I go about checking all of the above mentioned?

Ok pwm or case fans will have a small plug that attaches to the motherboard and in some cases can be controlled or linked to software or bios to adjust speed. If you use a molex they will run at 1 speed. Look up the type of connectors in google images to work out what your plugs look like. Secondly you can look at the pins on your motherboard and it should say fan above or bellow the 3 or 4 pins if this is the case and these are spare you can use these pins to power your fans. If you have trouble locating them molex will be the easiest

Thanks dude, I will do. I will post again if I have any issues, thanks guys!