GTX 670 or Radeon HD 7950

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Jan 26, 2013
I am getting a new GPU and have been tossing up between the GTX 670 and the Radeon HD 7950. From what I have seen the 7950 is cheaper and better, but I want to ask for opinions before I purchase anything. Out of these two, what would you recommend, and, if you can suggest something better then please do.

As for the price, I looking to spend $300 - 350.

Thanks in advance.

The GTX 670 is the faster card.

I do have to comment on your choice of words, however, when describing the 7950.

It is not lucking out to get a 7950 that overclocks well, as most tend to do. It is actually extremely unlucky if you get one that doesn't like to oc much higher.

Anyways, your point remains true, the GTX 670 is a faster card than the 7950 on the whole.

If you are considering a 7950 then this Sapphire Dual Fan X 7950...
GTX670 Wins unless you both luck out on a 7950 chip with high overclock capabilities and are willing to overclock, a lot.

It's a gamble, you may end up with a gimped 7950 that can't even outdo a 660ti. Plus by overclocking you void any warranty. Unless money is a concern I'd reccomend the GTX670.
with $350 you will get a stock cooked 670 which won't provide much overclocking but for $350 you can get the best 7950 which can overclock past the 670.basically a 670 for $350 is a waste of money but a 7950 for $350 will be amazing

The GTX 670 is the faster card.

I do have to comment on your choice of words, however, when describing the 7950.

It is not lucking out to get a 7950 that overclocks well, as most tend to do. It is actually extremely unlucky if you get one that doesn't like to oc much higher.

Anyways, your point remains true, the GTX 670 is a faster card than the 7950 on the whole.

If you are considering a 7950 then this Sapphire Dual Fan X 7950 is a well priced choice at 299.99 with $20 rebate taking it down to 279.99

I have seen two of these cards in friends builds and each one has oc'd to 1150 on the core with being pushed too hard.
That Sapphire dual X is the one I use.

It maxes everything I play(Hitman Absolution/Shogun 2/Sleeping Dogs), with 8xAA/16xAF and full settings at 1920x1080.

Still if you don't want to do work, the GTX670 is better, but if you want to overclock, the 7950 may or may not be better and will be a lot cheaper.
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