GTX 670 vs Dark Souls III


Mar 27, 2016

I currently have:
i7-3770k @4.1 GHz
GTX 670 2GB
1000W PSU
SSD + Raptor 10,000 RPM HDD
30" Dell Display @ 2560 x 1600
Win 7 Ultimate 64

I pre-ordered Dark Souls III with the hopes that my GTX 670 will still be good for it.
Then after seeing the recommended settings, it seems like my card is gonna be in trouble.

Now the questions is, shall I get a GTX 970 for ~$300 or just wait for Pascal models hit the market. How well can my system handle this game? If I can run it on high settings with decent fps then I'll wait for Pascal.

Thank you :)
I think your current card and CPU will run it just fine. The recommended specs for the graphics card call for a GTX 750 which is well below your GTX 670 in terms of performance. Wait for Pascal if you must, but it may be awhile before we see the sub $300.00 dollar cards.
I think your current card and CPU will run it just fine. The recommended specs for the graphics card call for a GTX 750 which is well below your GTX 670 in terms of performance. Wait for Pascal if you must, but it may be awhile before we see the sub $300.00 dollar cards.
GTX 670 is inadequate for the resolution you game at. When game devs recommend systems specs, it is for 1080P resolution still in 2016, not 1600P. You are rendering almost twice the image up from 1200P which is the same ratio as you, 16:10. You need at least one GTX 970 for 60ish FPS and two if your monitor goes to 120/144 HZ refresh rate. Two GTX 970's or one GTX 980ti perform similar when SLI is adequately supported.

Thank you for responding. Definitely not gonna try that game at that resolution with current set up.

Thank you.
At 1080p I sure hope I will be fine. I'll update this when I get the game. I'm sure there are other GTX 670 owners who are wondering about Dark Souls III handling.
The game was running perfectly fine on Mid/High settings, until yesterday my gpu fried.. smoke came out of it and screen turned off. I took it out, restarted pc, everything seemed on properly. I'm going to purchase gtx970 after all.
I don't know why it burned out on me. My rig has 6 small fans and a giant sliding panel fan inside of a giant Dragon Rider case.