GTX 680 2gb 4gb benchtest with Skyrim extremly modded

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Yes your quit right, there are many many variables to consider, and this makes it really hard to pinpoint.

But with my skyrim setup i can conclude with vram being the problem.

Becuse I can run with no cdt's when i take off my AA. Taking off my AA makes skyrim run at no more than 3.5 Max.

Now as i enable AA and skyrim reaches 4gb it crashes.

what fps do you get when vram is at 4gb usage?


No fps loss whene I reach 4gb vram.

I just spendt the last 5 houres optimizing Skyrim to run with the best quality while maintaining good FPS.
Im glad to say i dont need AA any more as the difference between 0 and 8 is unoticeable with all the sharp hige quality textures meshes.
Also with many enhancing lod mods, the difference between ugrid 5 and 9 is very small.

So that said, I got about 27-40 fps with Project ENB.
- Without Ambient occulation.
- No shadow on grass or trees, (Huge fps killer)
And its very playable, though some stuttering her and there.

I tried running semi 3d aswell,(left and right monitor 2d, middel 3d)
and without enb I got about 25-35 frames.

Though what suck's with skyrim atm is that you cant run with ENB and 3d at the same time, as the fix for 3d shadows and water has yet to made compatible with enb's version of the 3d9d.dll file.

Hehe, not sure what answear to give to that.
If you have skyrim setup like i do now, Vanilla skyrim looks like a game from 1995.
And thats no kidding 😛

Tweaked setting so that skyrim engine never uses more than 3,5gb vram.

Skyrim runs almost perfect now.
I ctd a few times with in 5-10 houres gaming.
Why i am not sure, drivers,mods, the possibilites are endless 😛
Avrage Fps 43.
-Full texture pack combiner.
-Project ENB
-Realistc Lighting Overhaul
-Climates of tamriel
-Enhanced lights and FX.

Ini settings
Ugrid 5
Shadow 4k distance 4k
AA=0 (Almost no difference with aa 8 compared to AA 0 with Enb Edge AA and quality meshes)
AF=16 Forced
I played 300 hours in Skyrim before i started modding. And was overly exited about how freaking cool the game was. Superb gameplay and outstanding graphics.
The game looks great.
But when compared to a complete overhaul, the vanilla version looks like crap.

pleae turn on pell checker..... LOL

I was short on time, and wrote in a hurry.
And the result was less than good, I'm sorry.
English isn't my native language.
I'm no techie for sure (and I'm still in the process of config'ing for a system I hope to build in the next month or so) but from reading the reviews I can of GPUs to help me narrow down my choices, I've read that the EVGA 670/680 GTX (FTW & non FTW) cards experience CTDs when EVGA PrecisionX is running when ENBs and High Res textures are enabled for Skyrim (I'm assuming it's an EVGA from your link).

This could be way off from what is going on in your particular case, but I thought I'd throw it out there as I haven't seen it mentioned yet.

Skyrim modders that are reporting this have specifically mentioned the crash upon leaving the cave at Helgen, which was what caught my attention. I believe they were using Precision to up the fan on their cards for better cooling. The fixes I saw were to disable OSD or to even set the fan speed in the BIOS.

Again, this may have nothing to do with your issue, just wanted to help if I could.