GTX 680 FTW 4gb or GTX 680 Classified?

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Feb 26, 2013
Has anyone had either of these cards? Is the difference between the two all that big? Should I get a GTX 680+ (has 4gb) instead? I don't really know how to overclock a GPU.

Note: Please, no one tell me that 4gb is a waste of money, because I really don't think it is. Current games, such as Crysis 3 (and in some cases, Crysis 2), Skyrim, Far Cry 3 are using 2gb of vram and up, and I don't want to deal with dramatic drops in FPS when it does reach the 2gb limit. Also, it is a huge future proof. It took a while for games to start using up 2gb, so it should take a while to use up 2 more.

Since when did they lock the voltage? Give me an explanation for that I've been away a little bit.
EDIT: Actually you can achieve close results or similar with any standard card, it's just the luck, of course if it has good power phases.
nope. msi came out with their 680 lightnings (those were the best 680s you can get pick up) and evga came out with their classifieds. the evga one requiring a hardware overvolting device (evbot) and the msi using software. they first took down msi (there are only 5000 lightnings with a bios unlocked for overvolting) and then took down evga
A 4GB GTX680 actually performs worse than a 2GB one, also your programs will turn into a laggy mess anyway far before 4GB is used because the GTX680 isn't nearly powerful enough to handle all 4GB and because of the restrictive 256-bit bus.

Also by the time games are using 2GB+ a GTX680 won't cut it anyways, 4GB is really only useful if you plan to 3 or 4 way SLI in the future.
Damn I was wondering the same thing. The only thing that makes me nervous going AMD is the poor driver support that I'm seeing everywhere. Also I'm nervous to pull the trigger because isn't the 8000 series suppose to come out in March?

AMD's driver support is excellent. Far better than Nvidia's crappy drivers that took one step forward and two backwards. I recently switched from Nvidia so I know. Maybe AMD was bad in the past. But not anymore...
actually no. nvidia has much more stable drivers. ive had a couple of amd drivers crash on me and never on nvidia.

you can tell nvidia is more of a gaming company when they test out all their video cards for every game and publish their results so that you know what you can set the settings within a game so that it doesnt lag

So when you say "No," you mean I am lying or what? This isn't a matter of opinion. I had terrible problems with Nvidia drivers, and none with AMD's. If your experience was different then mine, fine. But everything I said HAPPENED!

At the end of the day almost all (Non-Fanboys) will tell you that neither Nvidia or AMD have bad drivers. This is the real truth. By now they are both good, and anyone who says otherwise had bad luck or is stuck in the past. Period.
lets do a quick google search.

nvidia driver problems: 2,240,000 results

amd radeon driver problems: 4,190,000 results

lets pull out some toms hardware forums.

the nvidia section. i see both hardware and software but mostly hardware being incompatable

the amd section: i see both hardware and software problems, but most are software crashing

im not saying you are wrong, but accusing me that i said you talked total crap is wrong

LOL did you even check your links?

This was all found in the top third of your "Nvidia GPU" forum link. Yeah it seems their drivers are smooth sailing indeed! Again I am not saying one is better than the other, just that you are living in a bubble if you think there is a real difference. So don't paste more links, because I could have posted far more.

P.S. I should have noticed your name has "Troll" in it. My bad everybody. OP we have told you enough. The 7970 GHz is the clear choice in high end price performance (Especially when ram is an issue). Good luck, and please close this thread.
AMD has gotten better, but their Achille's Heel is in new game support. AMD users tend to expect more dramatic increases in performance with newer drivers. Nvidia users tend to more expect consistency and stability.

Another driver-level difference, and an increasingly important one, is in frame latencies. This is gradually taking the place of FPS as the preferred test metric to measure gaming performance. While Nvidia has placed an emphasis on frame latencies for at least a couple years, AMD has only, literally, just recently adopted this focus. As a result, Nvidia tends to do a little better with frame latencies, particularly in SLI vs. Crossfire.

Some links for more info:

would you like me to start pulling threads out of your section as well my friend?