GTX 750Ti Freezing/Crashing


May 31, 2016
Starting around a week ago my computer started to blackscreen after 15 seconds to 2 minutes of my mouse not moving and I was able to trace back the crashing to TDR failing to reboot the drivers themselves upon activating. I've been able to stop the blackscreens by disabling TDR completely, but the card still stutters itself into a 1/2FPS state while doing something like watching a youtube video or just plain AFKing.

I've done multiple full reinstalls using drivers from the NVidia site and Display Driver Uninstaller for full cleans. I've set the "Power Management Mode" in the NVidia Control Panel to prefer maximum performance, but nothing seems to stop the bugs.

As a precuation I've also ran CCleaner on everything and tried scanning bios for anything useful, but I've come up a loss now. Any help is appreciated.
It sounds like something in the driver files messed up, re-installing your graphics drivers would've worked too haha.

Without geforce experience, you shouldn't really be gaming if you don't have nvidia drivers for an nvidia card.

Well, not quite as I had done about 14 re-installations but I never excluded any of the options.