Gtx 760 or r9 270x for gaming?


Jan 14, 2015
Hi everybody! I'm new to the forums and I recently built my new PC, which has the following parts:

fx 8320 stock
m5a99x evo r2.0
8gb ram kingston 1333
sentey psu 850w 80+

and my question is the following:
Should i pick up an:

gtx 760 twin frozr


r9 270x toxic/vapor sapphire

Are this GPUs still powerful for upcoming games?


depends on the game and what each card is clocked at. generally the 760 overclocks a little better so it will match the 280 but do this with lower temps and less power consumption. i personally would still rather have the 280.

They have identical performance, so I would get the 270X 4GB or a stronger card like the R9 290. Honestly at $270 the R9 290 is the card EVERYONE should be getting.

I think this is a great deal on the R9 290.

It's 239.99 after the $20 rebate.
In my country (argentina) the currency is "pesos". imagine a dollar= 9 "peso":

R9 270x toxic/vapor: 3500 pesos
Gtx 760: 3700 pesos
R9 280x toxic 3 gb: 5100 pesos
R9 290 tri-x: 4800 pesos

As you see, my country's economy is fucked up a ton. So yeah, my budget is up to gtx 760.

Also I found by hance that the r9 280 dual x 3gb (non-toxic) is the same price as the r9 270x toxic. Which is better?
In your case I'd go with the r9 270x and make use of Mantle in whatever games support it for better FPS, it'll make your 8 core cpu age even better. The gtx 760 is slightly stronger though but honestly probably not enough to notice in real world usage. Should play most games on 1080p high-ultra (no taxing msaa would help more)

I play on 1080p, but there aren't a lot of games that use mantle :/

Do you guys think an r9 270x will be enough to play the next years?
you'll be fine at that resolution with the r9 270x and Mantle would increase the FPS even more 😀 . I play BF4 64player multiplayer on dx11 ultra 1080p (no msaa) with my 1055t Phenom x6 3.5ghz at high 40s(~45-47)-60 (capped since my monitor is only 60hz anyway) so your 8 core would fair even better in modern titles.

I'm glad to hear that, but still not a lot of games uses mantle. I'm going to play games like far cry, the witcher 3, battlefield 4, league of legends, gta V, (hopefully No man's sky) and many others. But i just got shocked the other day by "the witcher 3" requirements so I wanted to ask here.

That's the tiny list of available cards in the cheapest argentina's stores. You probably won't undersand anything because it's in spanish, but you can see the prices.

My budget is of 3700 pesos.

^ yes the r9 280 is also good.

The gtx 760 is stronger than the r9 270x but not by a whole lot. The gtx 760 and r9 280 are on par, they're just like the old gtx 660ti and hd 7950.

if it's any consolidation ever since I've had my i5 and hd 7950 pc I was able to play any game I wanted on 1080p ultra very well, at the worst having to turn off the taxing x4 MSAA which I couldn't really tell a difference anyway.
to correct whitesnake, the r9 280 is def better than the gtx's somwhere in between the gtx 760 and 770; the r9 720x and gtx 760 are pretty much on par
I had a gtx 7690 myself and I could run bf4 on ultra without AA, and most other games on high/ultra.

Do you think the r9 270x will be enough for the next 3 years, going down to medium quality if nessesary?


In argentina we are not alowed to buy hardware from another countries. Fuck my president.


clearly 280 will be better. is has more VRAM as well which will be better for future games. but just like 270X the card is based on first gen AMD GCN architecture. some of AMD new feature might not going to be supported on it. but gaming wise it won't be a problem.

I'm sort of nervous for the temperatures since my country is pretty hot. If I have to choose between this:


or this:

Which one do you think will have the lower temperature? Also which one do you think will be best for gaming?
all of them have dual fan. most of the modern non-reference card have good cooler on them. as long as you have good case air flow it won't be too much of a problem. also you can use your own fan curve if you did not satisfied with the auto fan setting.

Wich one do you think will be the best for gaming? Do you think I will be able to play 1080p at decent (+45) fps in the upcoming games at least at high?


Do you think I will be able to play 1080p at decent (+45) fps in the upcoming games at least at high?