GTX 760 Plugged in, not working


Jan 18, 2014
I just got a new Asus GTX760 GPU for my computer, it worked for a while, however one day it just stopped working. It is getting power, fans are still spinning, but it is no longer displaying anything on my monitor. Can someone please explain how/why this happened, and how I can fix it?

The power supply is working fine, as the GPU is getting power and has fans spinning, it just isn't displaying anything. Pulling on it does not turn on the onboard video, I feel it may just be the GPU that has shorted out or fried for whatever reason. I'm just looking for ideas on what the problem may be, as everything seems to be working besides this one part.
I updated the BIOS to see if that was the problem, however itseems to be that the motherboard is simply not recognizing the fact that the GPU was installed at all, as it is not showing up anywhere when I search for it.