GTX 770 4GB prices much higher then before?


Mar 24, 2014
I was looking to finally get a second 4gb 770 so I could do 2way SLI with the one I already have. But when I finally go to look for prices I am suprised to see that most places like Newegg are out of stock and when I look anywhere else they are SUPER expensive. When I bought the GTX 770 4GB I have now it was $340, but now its $450+ for the places that even sell it anymore.

Has the item been discontinued or something? Why is it so much more expensive now? Even when I go look at it does not even LIST a GTX 770 with 4GBs.

EDIT: I bought the EVGA FTW 4GB card btw
The 770 has been listed EOL (End of Life) by Nvidia, meaning production and shipping will stop. That would explain the price increases. People who own 770s looking to SLI are making the card have some demand, however, with no new supply, prices increase.
The 770 has been listed EOL (End of Life) by Nvidia, meaning production and shipping will stop. That would explain the price increases. People who own 770s looking to SLI are making the card have some demand, however, with no new supply, prices increase.

Aw that sucks. So I guess I should probably just try to sell the card I have now and get some other card? Should I still try to pursue a GTX 770 4gb for around the price I paid for the first one? I was hoping to buy a higher resolution monitor once I got the card too.


Do you think the GTX 770 4GB will get cheaper any time soon? Because if not I'll just wait for the 980ti or something.