GTX 770 vs HD7950 - Questions


Oct 23, 2013
I'm in the process of buying parts for my first gaming PC rig. I've come to buying the GPU, I'm going to be pairing the GPU with an i5 3570k and I've sort of narrowed it down to these two cards.

Sapphire AMD Radeon HD7950 -

Asus GTX 770 -

I'm wondering which of the two cards is actually an overall better buy based on performance, for example, is a GTX 770 less 'future-proof' as it only has 2Gb? etc.

I plan on playing games such as Battlefield 4, and Skyrim, as well as some other next gen games.

Finally I'm more than open to new suggestions if anyone thinks that there is a better suited card out there for the same price.

P.S - my friend is building the same pc except he is going AMD (FX8350) - and I was also wondering which of the two would better suit his PC, if different.

I appreciate any help,

Cheers! :sarcastic:

OP asked specifically about a GTX 770 vs an HD 7950. So I'm not sure what you mean by OP has a price range since those are the cards I compared. I even posted a link to benchmarks.
for those prices, the 770 is definitely the better card. I've had a 670, 680 and two 7950 crossfire. Generally (although it varies a lot between games, depending on the drivers) with a mild o/c the 7950 (just one) beats the 670, but struggles to catch the 680. The 770 is faster than the 680 so will easily be faster than the 7950.

I too was concerned about the 2GB limit (of my 680) particularly as 3GB was recommended for BF4, hence I got 7950 crossfire. Although future games and higher resolutions (than 1080p) may utilise more than 2GB, no current games, including BF4, exceed 2GB at 1080p max settings (apart from maybe a highly mod'd Skyrim).

Having said that, it's unlikely that a single 770 with 4GB will be able to play a game at max settings, multiple screens, higher res than 1080p in order to utilise 4GB. Probably, 770 SLI would be needed.
Thanks for all the responses, I'll definitely go with a GTX 770 then, and one last question then, if my plan was to eventually SLI with 2 x770's a few years down the line, could you recommend a decent/cheap motherboard that would support this (so I don't have to get a new one when I come to do it ) ?