GTX 770 Windows won't boot after drivers install


Oct 30, 2013
Motherboard: ASRock Z87m Extreme4

After building my new PC and loading the bios and everything I started installing windows, which worked fine. I could install all of the ASRock drivers onto the PC as well as use internet properly, etc, everything would work until I installed my GTX 770 Nvidia drivers. Basically after installing the drivers and i try to reload windows, it comes up with the "Starting Windows" animation and the proceeds to stop, reboot, and go to the black and grey screen "Windows did not shut down properly retry in safe mode" or whatever. It WILL load in safe mode but it WILL NOT load normally. When i go into safe mode in Device Managers it says that the Nvidia drivers are working so as of now i'm really confused. I tried removing the hdmi from the video card and putting it in the motherboard and changed the bios to having it use Onboard graphics AFTER it started messing up and it won't start u anymore. I've formatted and reinstalled Windows multiple times trying to figure it out. I've tried downloading the latest drivers on the website as well as using the CD that came with the videocard. I REALLY need help, this has consumed my last 2 days of college and i'm completely drained and ready for my PC to work.

Sincerely, Riley

Hi, did you find a solution to this? I have the same problem. Bought an MSI GTX 770 "Gaming" card and installed it. Windows runs fine. Then I install the drivers and restart. Now Windows won't start. I get the windows load screen, then it nothing. Monitor doesn't pick anything up. When I restart again it says "windows didn't start properly..." and I have to do a system restore...


Nov 28, 2012
My friend and you had the same problem.

He has a GTX560 and he was using a DVI cord to his screen and a HDMI cord to his TV. He unplugged his HDMI cord on his TV and his computer would start up normally. I had the same problem with mine.. I had to plug my HDMI cord back in while restarting. And then when it was all the way started up.. I could pull the cord back out. I guess it has something to do with the drivers honestly. You may want to download the 314.xx (non-beta) driver. I heard that was the most stable one.


Oct 30, 2013

I only have one cord between my PC and my monitor though. Are you saying I should just unplug and replug in that same cord? It's not hooked up to a TV


Oct 30, 2013

Welp, it didn't work. Also now it's starting to randomly have the blue screen of death :(


Nov 28, 2012
Did you look up the BSOD code? Run it in safe mod again.. and see if it starts up. Then uninstall your nvidia driver and try to start up normal again. Make sure you uninstall and use driver sweeper to clean every single thing!


Oct 30, 2013

Well it's not even letting me go into safe mode anymore :(



Nov 28, 2012
Uhh you may want to check if your graphics card is plugged in correctly and not just hanging inthere. Take it out and unplug all cords. And plug it back in... Even try another PCI slot if you have one. Keep trying buddy :D Your GTX 770 may be just defect.. But I'm not an expert of any kind xD


Oct 30, 2013

ive tried that, didn't work.Any other suggestions?



Dec 5, 2013

Hi, did you find a solution to this? I have the same problem. Bought an MSI GTX 770 "Gaming" card and installed it. Windows runs fine. Then I install the drivers and restart. Now Windows won't start. I get the windows load screen, then it nothing. Monitor doesn't pick anything up. When I restart again it says "windows didn't start properly..." and I have to do a system restore, which uninstalls the driver.


Jul 3, 2014
Hey guys,

I have an almost identical problem with my GTX760 (Gigabyte). There are literally thousands of people with the EXACT same problem, just labeled differently. To me, if it's not a broken card, it's most likely a TDR problem, and the cause of that problem is hard to isolate. (but I am far from knowledgeable on this kind of stuff)

The only way I have gotten it to work is by installing the 322.21 NVIDIA drivers AND increasing the TDR delay time to 8 seconds. Even then, this solution works for about a month, then my drivers start crashing again and I have to spend a day or so repeatedly reinstalling drivers until the computer runs again. I have tried literally every version of the drivers and only 322.21 works for me. I also found not included the HD sound drivers in the installation helped sometimes, but other times it didn't. My last crash occurred after playing BF4 for a few hours, then having an hour break and playing CS:GO. Again this is most likely a coincidence, but last crash I had was a few months ago, after I had been playing BF4 for a while. (In between these two crashes I had not played BF4, because it sucks)

I've contacted both Gigabyte and NVIDIA support, NVIDIA says its Gigabytes fault and all they really said was to replace the card, Gigabyte says it's NVIDIA's fault and to contact them.

I have tried every suggestion I have found online and the only things that have worked are those I mentioned above. There are some other possible sources of the problem which I have read online. (Note these are not my suggestions, I don't know if they're even relevant but when you're trying to fix your computer it's worth a shot).

Some people have said Daemon tools can cause TDR problems. Transparently there is some malware going around which can also cause TDR issues. I have uninstalled Daemon tools, but my computer was already stable when I did, so I can't say if it made a difference.

I have seen someone say it was because they overloaded their power adapter. They solved their problem by plugging the computer straight into the wall.
It's probably not true in my case, but I noticed a bit of freezing if I overloaded my adapter. I didn't properly test this, I just accidentally had a whole lot of things on at once and notice the computer was frozen on startup.

Some people have replaced their cards to find they still have the problem.

Many people have reformatted there computers and had no improvement.

There are a bunch of TDR fixes, the important one is TdrDelay, Microsoft has released a quick 'fix' which sets this delay to 8 seconds. You can find this fix online, or just add the registry entry yourself, there's a bunch of guides on youtube for it.

To check if it is the drivers:
Boot in safe mode, go into event viewer and then search through the logs right before the crash. You may see some critical errors from the NVIDIA dlls, and some system errors saying they're trying to reboot the device. That being said, I have only really seen these errors when I have actually made it to desktop, OR:

Boot in safe mode
uninstall drivers using DDU.
Reboot normally. Your system should run fine.

Install NVIDIA drivers now a few things can happen:
Crash right after the display drivers are installed.
Constant freezing after the display drivers are installed.
Constant freezing towards the end of the installation.
Runs fine after installation but after rebooting you get freezing/crashing.
Runs fine after installation but after attempting to play a game you get freezing/crashing.

In any of these cases you should see driver crash logs in the windows event viewer. In this case increasing the TdrDelay might solve your problem.

Where I am at right now, before I get the card replaced, I'm going to buy a second hard drive (was gonna get one anyway) and install a fresh copy of windows on it, one by one install my drivers (NVIDIA last) and see if it breaks. If it doesn't, then I guess it was a software issue.

Most of the information I have seen about these issues have been from NVIDIA/Steam forums. There have been some good threads on other gaming forums, but in most cases their solutions are the TdrDelay fix.

Hope this helps at least a little,


Hayley Morris

Jul 22, 2014
Well I just got this issue and I'm on the verge of getting a new pc. I've reinstalled 4 times and it's caused by the driver nvlddmkm.sys for anyone who has missed it on the bsod. I now officially have blank hard drives because of this. Whatever Nvidia say, it is them. Everything was fine until they put out their experience update and now i want to throw the pc out the window. If you get into safe mode it does work.


Mar 15, 2015
Possible solution for GTX 770 Boot Problem: Try to set BIOS values for
peg0 gen x to Gen 2.
Worked for me ;)
It is most likely a motherboard i.e. Bios issue ( I ruled everything else out...)


Nov 11, 2015

Same here. Even 314.XX did not help.

streetwae App

Nov 29, 2015
Hi, I had the same problem, but the solution is simple,

Just enter your BIOS setting and Disable onboard VGA, make Display Priority to PCI Express.
Install VGA Driver, Restart your PC and VGA will be installed correctly.


Nov 11, 2015

Tried as well, but did not help. My card simply died, also confirmed by nVidia and MSI support. I have tried it in 3 PCs, no luck. But thanks anyway!